Enterprise Search, 2nd Edition

Book description

Is your organization rapidly accumulating more information than you know how to manage? This updated edition helps you create an enterprise search solution based on more than just technology. Author Martin White shows you how to plan and implement a managed search environment that meets the needs of your business and your employees. Learn why it’s vital to have a dedicated staff manage your search technology and support your users.

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Table of contents

  1. Preface
    1. How to Use This Book
    2. Safari® Books Online
    3. How to Contact Us
    4. Acknowledgments
  2. 1. Searching, Finding, Deciding
    1. Every Day Is a Decision Day
    2. Information as a Corporate Asset
    3. Information Quality
    4. Information: Important and Yet Invisible!
    5. Enterprise Search
    6. Search and “Information Retrieval”
    7. A Short History of Information Retrieval
    8. A Short History of Search
    9. Search Is a Dialog
    10. Search Must Be Managed
    11. Why Search Is Important
      1. Capitalizing on Information Investment
      2. Reacting to Business Opportunities
      3. Knowledge and Expertise Discovery
      4. Bringing New Staff on Board More Quickly
      5. Speeding Up the Process of Acquisition
      6. Supporting Mobile Workers
      7. Reducing Workplace Stress
    12. Summary
    13. Further Reading
  3. 2. Benefits and Challenges
    1. A Day at the Office
    2. Recall, Precision, and Relevance
    3. Why Can’t Our Search Be Like Google?
    4. Web Search Gives You Options
    5. Information Quality
    6. Search Maturity
    7. Summary
    8. Further Reading
  4. 3. Search Technology
    1. Content Gathering
    2. Connectors
    3. Document Filters and Language Identification
    4. Parsing and Tokenizing
    5. Stop Words
    6. Stemming and Lemmatization
    7. Dates
    8. Phrases
    9. Processing Pipeline
    10. Building and Managing the Index
    11. Security and Access Control Lists
    12. Entity Extraction
    13. Graph Search
    14. IDOL and Decisiv
    15. Summary
    16. Further Reading
  5. 4. Query and Results Management
    1. Query Management
    2. Exploratory Search
    3. Spellchecking
    4. Retrieval Models
    5. Parametric Search
    6. Filters and Facets
    7. Ranking
    8. Summarization
    9. Document Thumbnails
    10. Query Auto-Completion
    11. Federated Search
    12. Summary
    13. Further Reading
  6. 5. The Business of Search
    1. The Acquisition Frenzy
    2. Independent Search Vendors
    3. The Future of Commercial Search
    4. Open Source Search Software
    5. Intranet Search
    6. Search Appliances
    7. Microsoft SharePoint
    8. Product Roadmaps
    9. The Future of “Keyword” Search
    10. Specialized Search Components
    11. Cloud-Based Search
    12. OEM Applications
    13. Systems Integrators
    14. Summary
    15. Further Reading
  7. 6. Open Source Search
    1. The Rise of Open Source Search
    2. The Current Situation
    3. The Open Source Search Ecosystem
      1. In-House Development
      2. Independent Developers
      3. Search Implementation Companies
      4. LucidWorks
      5. Applications Based on Open Source Search
    4. The Open Source Community
    5. Solr or Elasticsearch?
    6. Developing an Open Source Search Strategy
    7. Developer Evaluation
    8. Project Management
      1. Testing and Evaluation
      2. Risk Register
      3. Project Manager
      4. Project Documentation
    9. Post-Implementation Support
    10. Hadoop
    11. Summary
    12. Further Reading
  8. 7. SharePoint Search
    1. A Short History of SharePoint Search
    2. Search in SharePoint 2010
    3. SharePoint 2013 Search
    4. Installation, Administration, and Maintenance
    5. Crawl Management
    6. Analytics Management
    7. Working with Metadata
    8. Working with Queries
    9. UI Customizations
    10. Managed Navigation
    11. Search Governance
    12. Search Support Team
    13. The Challenges of SP2013
    14. Migration from SharePoint 2010
    15. Future Directions in SharePoint Search
    16. Summary
    17. Further Reading
  9. 8. Search Governance
    1. Who Should Own Search?
    2. Search Manager
    3. Search Technology Manager
    4. Search Analytics Manager
    5. Search Information Specialist
    6. Search User Support Manager
    7. Search Help Desk
    8. Team Skills and Training
    9. Search Liaison Specialists
    10. Supporting Global Enterprise Search
    11. Search Center of Excellence
    12. Managing a Virtual SCE
    13. SCE Case Study
    14. Security and Compliance
    15. Training and Support
    16. Establishing Good Communications
    17. Summary
    18. Further Reading
  10. 9. Making a Business Case
    1. Return on Investment
    2. Invest in Skills Before Software
    3. Stakeholder Analysis
    4. Business Impact
    5. Search Owner
    6. Content
      1. Owner
      2. Scope
      3. Document Size and File Formats
      4. Language
      5. Technology
      6. Infrastructure
      7. Disaster Recovery
      8. Access Permissions
      9. Metrics
      10. Metadata and Taxonomies
      11. Help Desk
      12. Usability and Accessibility
      13. Training and Support
      14. Risks
    7. Summary
    8. Further Reading
  11. 10. Defining User Requirements
    1. Why User Requirements Are Important
    2. Information-Seeking Models
    3. Spreading the Message
    4. User Requirements and User Satisfaction
      1. Climate Surveys
      2. Diaries
      3. Decisions
      4. Focus Groups
      5. Help Desk Calls
      6. Interruptions
      7. Microsoft Product Development Cards
      8. Mobile Workers
      9. Personas
      10. Team Meetings
      11. Usability Tests
    5. Establishing Use Cases
      1. Analysis
      2. Compliance
      3. Expertise
      4. Induction
      5. Item
      6. Learning
      7. Mobile
      8. Monitor
      9. Product
      10. Task
      11. User Interviews
      12. User Surveys
      13. Search Benchmarking
      14. Search Logs
      15. Stories
      16. User Feedback
    6. Writing the User Requirements Report
    7. Summary
    8. Further Reading
  12. 11. Searching for People and Expertise
    1. Name Search
    2. Name Matching Technologies
    3. Job Titles, Roles, and Responsibilities
    4. One Box or Two?
    5. Evaluating People Search
    6. Expertise Search
    7. Summary
    8. Futher Reading
  13. 12. Search User Interface Design
    1. Supporting a Dialogue
    2. Testing Out Dialogues
    3. Usability Testing
    4. Accessibility
    5. Search Box
    6. The First Response
    7. Result Review Speed
    8. Titles
    9. Result Metadata
    10. Summarization
    11. Facets and Filters
    12. Best Bets
    13. SYOS and FYOR
    14. Summary
    15. Further Reading
  14. 13. Specification and Selection
    1. How Much Will It Cost?
    2. The Project Team
    3. RACI Responsibility Matrix
    4. Specification Project Team
    5. Selection Project Team
    6. Installation Project Team
    7. The Global Dimension
    8. Risk Management
    9. Project Schedule
    10. Writing the Specification
      1. The Story so Far
      2. Content Scope
      3. User Expectations
      4. Information Systems Architecture
      5. IT Partnerships
      6. Internal Development and Support Resources
      7. Security and Identity Management
      8. Federated Search Requirements
      9. People Databases
      10. Project Timetable
      11. Functional Specification
      12. Connectors and APIs
      13. Index Freshness
      14. Filters and Facets
      15. Taxonomy and Metadata Management
      16. Search and System Logs
      17. Entity Extraction
      18. Questions for the Vendors
      19. Risk Assessment
      20. Project Schedule
      21. Project Management Methodology
      22. Upgrade Release Schedule
      23. Supporting a Global Implementation
      24. User Groups
      25. Key Employee Strategy
      26. License and Support Costs
      27. Reference Sites
      28. Training
    11. Building the Vendor Short List
    12. Using a Consultant
    13. Using an Implementation Partner
    14. Open Source Software Procurement
    15. The Best of Both Worlds?
    16. Proof of Concept
    17. Contract Negotiation
    18. Summary
    19. Further Reading
  15. 14. Installation and Implementation
    1. Project Management
    2. Customer Responsibilities
    3. Implementation Schedule
    4. Minimum Viable Search
    5. Knowledge Transfer
    6. The Show Stoppers
    7. Get Indexing!
    8. User Interface Design
    9. Usability and Accessibility Testing
    10. Disaster Recovery Tests
    11. Help Desk
    12. Metadata Management
    13. Communications Plan
    14. Migration and Search Implementation
    15. Summary
  16. 15. Search Evaluation
    1. The Five Components of Search Evaluation
    2. Technical Performance
    3. Query Performance
    4. Usability and Accessibility Tests
    5. Search Satisfaction
    6. Business Impact
    7. Search Evaluation Planning
    8. Summary
    9. Further Reading
  17. 16. Website Search
    1. First Impressions Count
    2. Personas and Use Cases
    3. Integrating Search into the Design Process
    4. Technology Options
    5. Advanced Search
    6. Mobile Search
    7. Search Your Own Site
    8. Search Support
    9. Fit for Purpose
    10. Summary
    11. Further Reading
  18. 17. eDiscovery
    1. Email Discovery
    2. Predictive Coding
    3. The Business of eDiscovery
    4. Summary
    5. Further Reading
  19. 18. Text and Content Analytics
    1. Text Analytics Applications
    2. Integrating Big Data, Search, and Content Analytics
    3. Sentiment Analysis
    4. Taking a Strategic Perspective
    5. Summary
    6. Further Reading
  20. 19. The Next Five Years
    1. Collaborative Information Seeking
      1. Further Reading for “Collaborative Information Seeking”
    2. Mobile Search
      1. Further Reading for “Mobile Search”
    3. Search + eDiscovery + Text Analytics
    4. The Cost Model for Open Source Search
    5. Advances in Information Retrieval
      1. Further Reading for “Advances in Information Retrieval”
    6. Cross-Lingual Search
      1. Further Reading for “Cross-Lingual Search”
    7. Multistage User Interfaces
      1. Further Reading for “Multistage User Interfaces”
    8. Federated Search
    9. Search-Based Applications
      1. Further Reading for “Search-Based Applications”
    10. It’s All in the Mind
      1. Further Reading for “It’s All in the Mind”
  21. A. Search Strategy
  22. B. Critical Success Factors
  23. C. Search Blogs
  24. D. A Core Library for Enterprise Search
  25. E. Vendor List
  26. Glossary
  27. Index

Product information

  • Title: Enterprise Search, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Martin White
  • Release date: October 2015
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781491915530