Engineering Intelligent Systems

Book description

Engineering Intelligent Systems

Exploring the three key disciplines of intelligent systems

As artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technology continue to develop and find new applications, advances in this field have generally been focused on the development of isolated software data analysis systems or of control systems for robots and other devices. By applying model-based systems engineering to AI, however, engineers can design complex systems that rely on AI-based components, resulting in larger, more complex intelligent systems that successfully integrate humans and AI.

Engineering Intelligent Systems relies on Dr. Barclay R. Brown’s 25 years of experience in software and systems engineering to propose an integrated perspective to the challenges and opportunities in the use of artificial intelligence to create better technological and business systems. While most recent research on the topic has focused on adapting and improving algorithms and devices, this book puts forth the innovative idea of transforming the systems in our lives, our societies, and our businesses into intelligent systems. At its heart, this book is about how to combine systems engineering and systems thinking with the newest technologies to design increasingly intelligent systems.

Engineering Intelligent Systems readers will also find:

  • An introduction to the fields of artificial intelligence with machine learning, model-based systems engineering (MBSE), and systems thinking—the key disciplines for making systems smarter
  • An example of how to build a deep neural network in a spreadsheet, with no code or specialized mathematics required
  • An approach to the visual representation of systems, using techniques from moviemaking, storytelling, visual systems design, and model-based systems engineering
  • An analysis of the potential ability of computers to think, understand and become conscious and its implications for artificial intelligence
  • Tools to allow for easier collaboration and communication among developers and engineers, allowing for better understanding between stakeholders, and creating a faster development cycle
  • A systems thinking approach to people systems—systems that consist only of people and which form the basis for our organizations, communities and society

Engineering Intelligent Systems offers an intriguing new approach to making systems more intelligent using artificial intelligence, machine learning, systems thinking, and system modeling and therefore will be of interest to all engineers and business professionals, particularly systems engineers.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Acknowledgments
  5. Introduction
  6. Part I: Systems and Artificial Intelligence
    1. 1 Artificial Intelligence, Science Fiction, and Fear
      1. 1.1 The Danger of AI
      2. 1.2 The Human Analogy
      3. 1.3 The Systems Analogy
      4. 1.4 Killer Robots
      5. 1.5 Watching the Watchers
      6. 1.6 Cybersecurity in a World of Fallible Humans
      7. 1.7 Imagining Failure
      8. 1.8 The New Role of Data: The Green School Bus Problem
      9. 1.9 Data Requirements
      10. 1.10 The Data Lifecycle
      11. 1.11 AI Systems and People Systems
      12. 1.12 Making an AI as Safe as a Human
      13. References
      14. Notes
    2. 2 We Live in a World of Systems
      1. 2.1 What Is a System?
      2. 2.2 Natural Systems
      3. 2.3 Engineered Systems
      4. 2.4 Human Activity Systems
      5. 2.5 Systems as a Profession
      6. 2.6 A Biological Analogy
      7. 2.7 Emergent Behavior: What Makes a System, a System
      8. 2.8 Hierarchy in Systems
      9. 2.9 Systems Engineering
    3. 3 The Intelligence in the System: How Artificial Intelligence Really Works
      1. 3.1 What Is Artificial Intelligence?
      2. 3.2 Training the Deep Neural Network
      3. 3.3 Testing the Neural Network
      4. 3.4 Annie Learns to Identify Dogs
      5. 3.5 How Does a Neural Network Work?
      6. 3.6 Features: Latent and Otherwise
      7. 3.7 Recommending Movies
      8. 3.8 The One‐Page Deep Neural Network
    4. 4 Intelligent Systems and the People they Love
      1. 4.1 Can Machines Think?
      2. 4.2 Human Intelligence vs. Computer Intelligence
      3. 4.3 The Chinese Room: Understanding, Intentionality, and Consciousness
      4. 4.4 Objections to the Chinese Room Argument
      5. 4.5 Agreement on the CRA
      6. 4.6 Implementation of the Chinese Room System
      7. 4.7 Is There a Chinese‐Understanding Mind in the Room?
      8. 4.8 Chinese Room: Simulator or an Artificial Mind?
      9. 4.9 The Mind of the Programmer
      10. 4.10 Conclusion
      11. References
      12. Note
  7. Part II: Systems Engineering for Intelligent Systems
    1. 5 Designing Systems by Drawing Pictures and Telling Stories
      1. 5.1 Requirements and Stories
      2. 5.2 Stories and Pictures: A Better Way
      3. 5.3 How Systems Come to Be
      4. 5.4 The Paradox of Cost Avoidance
      5. 5.5 Communication and Creativity in Engineering
      6. 5.6 Seeing the Real Needs
      7. 5.7 Telling Stories
      8. 5.8 Bringing a Movie to Life
      9. 5.9 Telling System Stories
      10. 5.10 The Combination Pitch
      11. 5.11 Stories in Time
      12. 5.12 Roles and Personas
    2. 6 Use Cases: The Superpower of Systems Engineering
      1. 6.1 The Main Purpose of Systems Engineering
      2. 6.2 Getting the Requirements Right: A Parable
      3. 6.3 Building a Home: A Journey of Requirements and Design
      4. 6.4 Where Requirements Come From and a Koan
      5. 6.5 The Magic of Use Cases
      6. 6.6 The Essence of a Use Case
      7. 6.7 Use Case vs. Functions: A Parable
      8. 6.8 Identifying Actors
      9. 6.9 Identifying Use Cases
      10. 6.10 Use Case Flows of Events
      11. 6.11 Examples of Use Cases
      12. 6.12 Use Cases with Human Activity Systems
      13. 6.13 Use Cases as a Superpower
      14. References
      15. Note
    3. 7 Picturing Systems with Model Based Systems Engineering
      1. 7.1 How Humans Build Things
      2. 7.2 C: Context
      3. 7.3 U: Usage
      4. 7.4 S: States and Modes
      5. 7.5 T: Timing
      6. 7.6 A: Architecture
      7. 7.7 R: Realization
      8. 7.8 D: Decomposition
      9. 7.9 Conclusion
    4. 8 A Time for Timeboxes and the Use of Usage Processes
      1. 8.1 Problems in Time Modeling: Concurrency, False Precision, and Uncertainty
      2. 8.2 Processes and Use Cases
      3. 8.3 Modeling: Two Paradigms
      4. 8.4 Process and System Paradigms
      5. 8.5 A Closer Examination of Time
      6. 8.6 The Need for a New Approach
      7. 8.7 The Timebox
      8. 8.8 Timeboxes with Timelines
      9. 8.9 The Usage Process
      10. 8.10 Pilot Project Examples
      11. 8.11 Summary: A New Paradigm Modeling Approach
      12. References
  8. Part III: Systems Thinking for Intelligent Systems
    1. 9 Solving Hard Problems with Systems Thinking
      1. 9.1 Human Activity Systems and Systems Thinking
      2. 9.2 The Central Insight of Systems Thinking
      3. 9.3 Solving Problems with Systems Thinking
      4. 9.4 Identify a Problem
      5. 9.5 Find the Real Problem
      6. 9.6 Identify the System
      7. 9.7 Understanding the System
      8. 9.8 System Archetypes
      9. 9.9 Intervening in a System
      10. 9.10 Testing Implementing Intervention Incrementally
      11. 9.11 Systems Thinking and the World
    2. 10 People Systems: A New Way to Understand the World
      1. 10.1 Reviewing Types of Systems
      2. 10.2 People Systems
      3. 10.3 People Systems and Psychology
      4. 10.4 Endowment Effect
      5. 10.5 Anchoring
      6. 10.6 Functional Architecture of a Person
      7. 10.7 Example: The Problem of Pollution
      8. 10.8 Speech Acts
      9. 10.9 Seeking Quality
      10. 10.10 Job Hunting as a People System
      11. 10.11 Shared Service Monopolies
      12. References
  9. Index
  10. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Engineering Intelligent Systems
  • Author(s): Barclay R. Brown
  • Release date: October 2022
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9781119665595