AEnergy Leadership: Key Words and Phrases

Energy. Energy is intangible; it is the very essence of who we are. A person's energy has everything to do with how they show up in every aspect of their life and is reflective of their degree of consciousness, awareness, potential, and power. It is the backdrop of mindset. When most people talk about energy, they're referring to “output.” Unlike light bulbs, which have a specific potential wattage output and reach that potential consistently (a 75-watt light bulb always puts out 75 watts when lit), humans don't utilize all of their unlimited potential “wattage.”

Leadership. Leadership is how you interact with everyone, including yourself. Leaders are quite visible within small and large businesses. We tend to think of them as business owners, CEOs, and managers at all levels. Traditionally, leadership also extends into politics and other global affairs. However, parents, therapists and health care providers, solopreneurs, sports coaches, consultants, mentors, partners in relationship, teachers, authors, and anyone who interacts with people on a regular basis are all leaders. Everyone is a leader either by choice or default.

If you don't think of yourself as a leader, then I invite you to expand your thinking. Leading is the way we help move people into action, including ourselves. The question is not whether you are a leader, but how well you lead.

Energy Leadership. Energy Leadership is the process that develops a personally effective ...

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