Chapter 1
1 BlessingWhite. (2008, April). 2008 Employee Engagement Report.
2 Performancepoint. (2007, September). Employee Engagement Study.
3 U.S. Department of Labor. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2008, July).
4 Performancepoint. (2008, September). State of the Union Survey.
5 Performancepoint. (2008, September). State of the Union Survey.
6 European Survey on Working Conditions. 1990-1995-2000. 2005-EU-25.
7 Friedman, T. (2006).
The world is flat. New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
8 Ali, A., & Al-Kazemi, A. (2007). Islamic work ethic in Kuwait.
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9 Wiseman, Robert. (2008, May 11). Being a CEO has its perks, but tenure isn’t one of them.
The Boston Globe.