Employee Empowerment

Book description

Employee Empowerment analyzes the workplace conditions in an attempt to answer one of the most discussed questions in the business world: how do we get our human capital assets more engaged in the organization?

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Half-Title
  3. Title
  4. Copyright
  5. Dedication
  6. Contents
  7. List of Figures
  8. Foreword
  9. TLS Continuum Empowerment Model Acronyms
  10. Introduction
  11. 1 How Do We Define Empowerment?
    1. Suggested Activity
      1. Empowerment Is the Result of:
        1. CARING More Than Others Think Wise
        2. RISKING More Than Others Think Safe
        3. DREAMING More Than Others Think Practical
        4. EXPECTING More Than Others Find Possible
    2. Racial Empowerment
    3. Social Empowerment
    4. Economic Empowerment
    5. Sexual Empowerment
    6. Political Empowerment
    7. Cultural Empowerment
    8. National Empowerment
    9. Religious Empowerment
    10. Workplace Empowerment
    11. Notes
  12. 2 The Role of DNA in Life
    1. The Genetic Timeline
    2. Note
  13. 3 The Role of DNA in Business
    1. The Law of Segregation
    2. The Law of Independent Assortment
    3. The Law of Dominance
    4. Continuous Process Improvement
      1. Empowerment
      2. Characteristic #1: Management Committed to Supporting an Empowered Culture
      3. Characteristic #2: Empowerment Centered on the Voice of the Customer
      4. Characteristic #3: Management Releases Some Level of Control
      5. Characteristic #4: Employees Retrained
      6. Characteristic #5: Free Flow of Information and Data through the Organization
      7. Characteristic #6: Managerial Trust
      8. Characteristic #7: Autonomy Comes with Expectations and Boundaries
      9. Characteristic #8: Provision of Coaches
      10. Characteristic #9: Provision of Advanced Training and Coaching
      11. Characteristic #10: Compensation and Benefits Aligned with Organizational Strategies
      12. Characteristic #11: Job Matching
      13. Characteristic #12: Employees Have the Right Tools to Complete Their Responsibilities
      14. Characteristic #13: Implementation Plan Is in Place
    5. The Empowerment DNA of Business
    6. Notes
  14. 4 The TLS Continuum Empowerment Model
    1. What Is the TLS Continuum?
    2. The TLS Continuum Process
      1. Step 1: Determine Your Goal
      2. Step 2: Define the Boundaries
      3. Step 3: Identify the System Constraint or Obstacle
      4. Step 4: Subordinate Everything Else to the System Constraint
      5. Step 5: Elevate the Constraint
      6. Step 6: Start the Process over Again by Identifying a New Constraint
    3. The TLS Continuum Empowerment Model
    4. TLS Continuum Empowerment Model Goal Tree
    5. Notes
  15. 5 The Empowered Manager
    1. Corporate Values
    2. Corporate Goals
    3. Corporate Strategy
    4. Corporate Mission
    5. Corporate Culture
    6. TLS Continuum Empowerment Model Goal Tree
    7. Notes
  16. 6 Empowerment through Cross-Functional Teams
    1. Hawthorne Studies
    2. Classical Workplace Teams
    3. Empowered Workplace Teams
      1. Diversity
      2. Full Spectrum Thinking
      3. New Decision Tools
      4. The Goal Tree
      5. The Evaporating Cloud or Conflict Resolution
      6. Mapping
      7. Premortem
      8. Solutions
      9. Team Construction
    4. TLS Continuum Empowerment Model Goal Tree
    5. Notes
  17. 7 Empowerment of Human Capital
    1. Classic Human Capital Asset
    2. Empowered Human Capital Asset
      1. Strategy #1: Human Capital Assets Must Be Engaged in Their Work Environment on the Basis They Want (Engagement)
      2. Strategy #2: The Workplace Must Be Designed around a System That Provides the Avenue for the Employee to Enhance Their Learning of Skills That Will Improve the Way They Deliver What Is in Their Minds (Ownership)
      3. Strategy #3: Whatever Processes We Put into Place Must Have As Their Goal the Manifestation That the Efforts Put Forth by the Human Capital Assets Are Appreciated by the Organization (Subject Matter Experts)
    3. TLS Continuum Empowerment Model Goal Tree
    4. Notes
  18. 8 Empowerment and Engagement
    1. The World’s Greatest Experts Have Their Hands on the Work
    2. Continuously Improve, Every Day
    3. Work Flows Horizontally, Not Vertically
    4. We Win As Teams
      1. Case Study: Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School: The TLS Continuum Empowerment Model in Real Time
      2. Timeline
      3. Empowered Management
      4. Empowered Cross-Functional Team
      5. Empowered Individual
    5. Results
    6. Notes
  19. Acknowledgments
  20. Further Reading
  21. Index

Product information

  • Title: Employee Empowerment
  • Author(s): Daniel Bloom
  • Release date: June 2020
  • Publisher(s): Productivity Press
  • ISBN: 9780429683572