Terms and Abbreviations

AC: alternating current

ADC: analog-to-digital converter

BH: flux density and hysteresis curve for magnetic core materials

C, C1, C5: capacitor—numbered and unnumbered

CE: conducted emissions

CE-101, CE-102: MIL-STD-461 conducted emissions requirements

CIP: current-injection probe

CISPR: Comité International Spécial des Perturbations Radioélectriques

CM: common mode

DAC: digital-to-analog converter

dBµA: decibel (dB) microampere

dBµV: decibel (dB) microvolt

DC: direct current

DM: differential mode (normal mode)

EMC: electromagnetic compatibility

EMI: electromagnetic interference

FCC: Federal Communications Commission

FFT: fast Fourier transform

FSLM: frequency-selective level meter

GHz: gigahertz (billion cycles per second) ...

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