

1. White (November 01, 2017).

2. Keynes (1936).

3. Global Risks Report (2021).

4. Allen (April 07, 2021).

5. Unemployment Rates, OECD (April 12, 2021).

6. Berman (April 01, 2021).

7. Shaping the Trends of Our Times (September 2020).

8. Chan (April 21, 2021).

9. MacCarthy and Propp (May 04, 2021).

10. Cave et al. (May 22, 20121).

11. Huxley (July 22, 2008).

12. Houle (October 11, 2020).

13. Stearns (1998).

14. Roush (May 11, 2021).

15. Roush (May 11, 2021).

16. Dale Chihuly Biography.

Chapter 1

1. Kochhar (March 18, 2021).

2. World Health Organization (February 28, 2021).

3. World Health Organization (February 28, 2021).

4. World Health Organization (February 28, 2021).

5. COVID-19 Dashboard by the Center for Systems Science and ...

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