Chapter 3. AOSP Jump-Start

Now that you have a solid understanding of the basics, let’s start getting our hands dirty with the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). We’ll start by covering how to get the AOSP distribution from Before actually building and running the AOSP, we’ll spend some time exploring the AOSP’s contents and explain how the sources reflect what we just saw in the previous chapter. Finally, we’ll close the chapter by covering the use of adb and the emulator, two very important tools when doing any sort of platform work.

Above all, this chapter is meant to be fun. The AOSP is an exciting piece of software with a tremendous amount of innovation. OK, I’ll admit it’s not all rosy, and some parts do have rough edges. Still, other parts are pure genius. The most amazing thing of all, obviously, is that we can all download it, modify it, and ship our own custom products based on it. So roll up your sleeves and let’s get started.

Development Host Setup

As we discussed in Development Setup and Tools, you’ll need an Ubuntu-based desktop in order to work on the AOSP. Even though other systems can be made to work, that’s the one Google documents as being supported. I suggest you flip back and reread that section to review the basic host setup required for AOSP work. Also, I suggest you have a look at the Initializing a Build Environment section of Google’s website for the latest information on how to set up your host ...

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