List of Tables
Chapter 1. Welcome to Elm
Table 1.1. Strings and characters
Table 1.2. Examples of Elm expressions
Table 1.3. String functionality comparison
Table 1.4. Implied parentheses for the (-) operator
Table 1.5. Contrasting JavaScript arrays and Elm lists
Table 1.6. Comparing JavaScript objects and Elm records
Table 1.7. Comparing lists, records, and tuples
Table 1.8. Differences between JavaScript and Elm
Table 1.9. Differences between plain functions and operators
Chapter 2. Your first Elm application
Table 2.1. Curried functions and tupled functions in Elm and JavaScript
Table 2.2. Handling interactions in JavaScript compared to Elm
Chapter 3. Compiler as assistant
Table 3.1. Translating a list into an array by using Array.fromList ...
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