Exercise Set 1.1

  1. 1. (a), (c), and (f) are linear equations; (b), (d), and (e) are not linear equations
  2. 3.(a) a11x1+a12x2=b1a21x1+a22x2=b2
    1. (b)a11x1+a12x2+a13x3=b1a21x1+a22x2+a23x3=b2a31x1+a32x2+a33x3=b3
    2. (c) a11x1+a12x2+a13x3+a14x4=b1a21x1+a22x2+a23x3+a24x4=b2
  3. 5.(a) 2x1=03x14x2=0x2=1
    1. (b) 3x12x3=57x1+x2+4x3=32x2+x3=7
  4. 7. (a) [ 263893 ]
    1. (b) [ 61340511 ]
    2. (c) [ 020310311001621236 ]
  5. 9. (a), (d), and (e) are solutions; (b) and (c) are not solutions
  6. 11. (a) No points of intersection
    1. (b) Infinitely many points of intersection: x=12+2t,y=t
    2. (c) One point of intersection: (8,4)
  7. 13.(a) x=37+57t,y=t
    1. (b) x1=73+53r43s,x2=r,x3=s
    2. (c) x1=18+14r58s+34t,x2=r,x3=s,x4=t
    3. (d) v=83t123t2+13t343t4,w=t1,x=t2,y=t3,z=t4
  8. 15.(a) x=12+32t,y=t
    1. (b) x1=43r+s,x2=r,x3=s
  9. 17. (a) Add 2 times the second row to the first row.
    1. (b) Add the third row to the first row, or interchange the first row and the third row.
  10. 19. (a) All values of k2
    1. (b) All values of k
  11. 25. 2x+3y+z=72x+y+3z=94x+2y+5z=16
  12. 27. x+y+z=122x+y+2z=5x+z=1

True/False 1.1

  1. (a) True
  2. (b) False
  3. (c) True
  4. (d) True
  5. (e) False
  6. (f) False
  7. (g) True
  8. (h) False

Exercise Set 1.2

  1. 1. (a) Both
    1. (b) Both
    2. (c) Both
    3. (d) Both
    4. (e) Both
    5. (f) Both
    6. (g) Row echelon form
  2. 3. (a) x=37,y=8,z=5
    1. (b) w=10+13t,x=5+13t,y=2t,z=t
    2. (c) x1=117s+2t,x2=s,x3=43t,x4=93t,x5=t
    3. (d) No solution
  3. 5. x1

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