Electrotechnical Systems

Book description

Electrotechnical systems play an important role in many areas, including wind energy generation, natural gas transportation, sheet metal for car production, and electric cars. This book can be used by engineers in various disciplines who need to understand new electrical systems and investigate existing ones. Building from simple to more complex

Table of contents

  1. Front Cover (1/2)
  2. Front Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents
  4. Preface
  5. Author
  6. Chapter 1: Special Features of SimPowerSystems™ Models (1/4)
  7. Chapter 1: Special Features of SimPowerSystems™ Models (2/4)
  8. Chapter 1: Special Features of SimPowerSystems™ Models (3/4)
  9. Chapter 1: Special Features of SimPowerSystems™ Models (4/4)
  10. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (1/10)
  11. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (2/10)
  12. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (3/10)
  13. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (4/10)
  14. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (5/10)
  15. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (6/10)
  16. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (7/10)
  17. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (8/10)
  18. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (9/10)
  19. Chapter 2: Models of Power Circuit Devices (10/10)
  20. Chapter 3: Measuring and Control Blocks (1/4)
  21. Chapter 3: Measuring and Control Blocks (2/4)
  22. Chapter 3: Measuring and Control Blocks (3/4)
  23. Chapter 3: Measuring and Control Blocks (4/4)
  24. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (1/17)
  25. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (2/17)
  26. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (3/17)
  27. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (4/17)
  28. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (5/17)
  29. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (6/17)
  30. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (7/17)
  31. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (8/17)
  32. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (9/17)
  33. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (10/17)
  34. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (11/17)
  35. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (12/17)
  36. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (13/17)
  37. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (14/17)
  38. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (15/17)
  39. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (16/17)
  40. Chapter 4: Simulation of Power Electronics Devices (17/17)
  41. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (1/30)
  42. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (2/30)
  43. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (3/30)
  44. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (4/30)
  45. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (5/30)
  46. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (6/30)
  47. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (7/30)
  48. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (8/30)
  49. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (9/30)
  50. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (10/30)
  51. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (11/30)
  52. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (12/30)
  53. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (13/30)
  54. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (14/30)
  55. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (15/30)
  56. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (16/30)
  57. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (17/30)
  58. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (18/30)
  59. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (19/30)
  60. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (20/30)
  61. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (21/30)
  62. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (22/30)
  63. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (23/30)
  64. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (24/30)
  65. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (25/30)
  66. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (26/30)
  67. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (27/30)
  68. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (28/30)
  69. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (29/30)
  70. Chapter 5: Electric Machine and Electric Drive Simulation (30/30)
  71. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (1/21)
  72. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (2/21)
  73. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (3/21)
  74. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (4/21)
  75. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (5/21)
  76. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (6/21)
  77. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (7/21)
  78. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (8/21)
  79. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (9/21)
  80. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (10/21)
  81. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (11/21)
  82. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (12/21)
  83. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (13/21)
  84. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (14/21)
  85. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (15/21)
  86. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (16/21)
  87. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (17/21)
  88. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (18/21)
  89. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (19/21)
  90. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (20/21)
  91. Chapter 6: Electric Power Production and Transmission Simulation (21/21)
  92. List of the Models on CD
  93. Back Cover

Product information

  • Title: Electrotechnical Systems
  • Author(s): Viktor Perelmuter
  • Release date: October 2020
  • Publisher(s): CRC Press
  • ISBN: 9781466514034