Book description
Full of fun examples and color illustrations, Electronics for Kids is a playful introduction to circuits that will help any beginner get started.
Publisher resources
Table of contents
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- About the Author
- About the Technical Reviewer
- Brief Contents
- Contents in Detail
- Foreword by Joe Grand
- Acknowledgments
- Introduction
Part 1: Playing with Electricity
Chapter 1: What Is Electricity?
- Project #1: Turn on a Light!
- How Does Electricity Light a Bulb?
- How Is a Circuit Like a Pipe System?
- Meet the Switch
Project #2: Intruder Alarm
- Shopping List
- Tools
- Step 1: Does the Buzzer Beep?
- Step 2: Prepare the Aluminum
- Step 3: Foil Your Door
- Step 4: Prepare a Trigger Wire
- Step 5: Connect the Buzzer and Trigger Wire
- Step 6: Mount the Buzzer and Trigger Wire
- Step 7: Add a Power Source
- Step 8: Stage an Intruder Alert!
- Step 9: What If the Intruder Alarm Doesn’t Work?
- What’s Next?
- Chapter 2: Making Things Move with Electricity and Magnets
- Chapter 3: How to Generate Electricity
Chapter 1: What Is Electricity?
Part 2: Building Circuits
- Chapter 4: Creating Light with LEDs
- Chapter 5: Blinking a Light for the First Time
Chapter 6: Let’s Solder!
- How to Solder
Project #12: Solder Your First LED Circuit
- Shopping List
- Tools
- Step 1: Place the Components
- Step 2: Bend the Component Legs
- How to Read the Circuit Board Illustrations
- Step 3: Heat and Clean the Soldering Iron
- Step 4: Solder the Resistor and LED
- Step 5: Trim the Legs
- Step 6: Solder the Battery Clip
- Step 7: Let There Be Light!
- Step 8: What If the Soldered LED Circuit Doesn’t Work?
- Oops! How Do I Remove a Soldered Component?
- Project #13: Desolder the Battery Clip
- What’s Next?
Chapter 7: Controlling Things with Electricity
- Meet the Transistor
Project #14: Build a Circuit that Senses Touch
- Shopping List
- Tools
- Step 1: Place Components on the Prototyping Board
- Step 2: Check Your Component Placement
- Step 3: Solder the Components and Trim Excess Legs
- Step 4: Solder the Touch Pad
- Step 5: Power It Up!
- Step 6: Test the Sensor
- Step 7: What If the Touch Sensor Doesn’t Work?
- Try It Out: Can the Touch Sensor Detect Different Touches?
- Resistors That Can Change Value
- Dividing a Voltage with Resistors
Project #15: Build a Sunrise Wake-Up Alarm
- Shopping List
- Tools
- Step 1: Place Components on the Prototyping Board
- Step 2: Solder the Components and Trim the Legs
- Step 3: Add the Buzzer to the Board
- Step 4: Make the Remaining Connections with Wires
- Step 5: Add the Battery Clip to the Board
- Step 6: Set a Wake-Up Call
- Step 7: What If There’s No Sound?
- Try It Out: Temperature-Controlled Fan
- What’s Next?
Chapter 8: Building a Musical Instrument
- Meet the Integrated Circuit
- ICs and Datasheets
- How to Make Sound with Electricity
- Sounds That Humans Can Hear
- Meet the 555 Timer
- Project #16: Make Your Own Sound with the 555 Timer
- Turning an Annoying Beep into Music
Project #17: An Instrument That Beeps and Boops
- Shopping List
- Step 1: Connect the 555 Timer and the Capacitors
- Step 2: Connect Jumper Wires
- Step 3: Connect the Note Controller and Resistor
- Step 4: Add the “On” Button
- Step 5: Add the Loudspeaker
- Step 6: Play Some Music!
- Step 7: What If the Instrument Doesn’t Work?
- Try It Out: Make a Motion-Controlled Instrument
- What’s Next?
Part 3: The Digital World
- Chapter 9: How Circuits Understand Ones and Zeros
Chapter 10: Circuits That Make Choices
- It’s Only Logical
- Meet the Logic Gates
- How to Draw Logic Circuit Diagrams
- Using Logic Gates in Real Life
Project #21: A Secret Code Checker
- Shopping List
- Tools
- How to Use Other Voltages with a Breadboard
- Making Circuits More Reliable
- Step 1: Place the Switches and Resistors
- Step 2: Place the ICs
- Step 3: Place the Transistor and LED
- Step 4: Build the Logic Circuit
- Step 5: Finish Wiring the Transistor
- Protecting Your Components
- Step 6: Power and Test the Secret Code Checker
- Step 7: What If the LED Doesn’t Light Up?
- Try It Out: Disarm Your Intruder Alarm
- Negative Logic Gates
- What’s Next?
- Chapter 11: Circuits That Remember Information
- Chapter 12: Let’s Make a Game!
- Handy Resources
- Index
- Resources
- Real Electronics. Real Easy.
- Footnotes
Product information
- Title: Electronics for Kids
- Author(s):
- Release date: July 2016
- Publisher(s): No Starch Press
- ISBN: 9781593277253