R6.0 Books
[Brayton 1984] R.K. Brayton, G. Hachtel, C. McMullen, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Logic Minimization Algorithms for VLSI Synthesis 1984 Kluwer
[Brown 2003] F.M. Brown, Boolean Reasoning: The Logic of Boolean Equations 2003 Dover
[Devadas 1994] S. Devadas, A. Ghosh, K. Keutzer, Logic Synthesis 1994 McGraw-Hill
[Garey 1979] M.R. Garey, D.S. Johnson, Computers and Intractability: A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness 1979 W. H. Freeman
[Hassoun 2002] S. Hassoun, T. Sasao, Logic Synthesis and Verification 2002 Kluwer
[Kohavi 1978] Z. Kohavi, Switching and Finite Automata Theory 1978 McGraw-Hill
[McGeer 1991] P. McGeer, R.K. Brayton, Integrating Functional and Temporal Domains in Logic Design 1991 Kluwer
[Mo 2004] ...
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