Effective Communications

Book description

Develop your skills, realise your full potential and make your life work

Table of contents

  1. 1.
    1. Introduction
  2. 1. Listening
    1. Be Heard by Listening Better
      1. Improve Your Listening Skills
      2. Learn to Listen
      3. Good Listening Techniques
    2. Listen Actively
      1. Pay Attention
      2. Techniques to Practise
      3. Think Smart
      4. Learn to Paraphrase
    3. Take Notes
      1. Keep a Clear Record
      2. Use Symbols
      3. Techniques to Practise
      4. Write It Down
      5. Tip
    4. Avoid Preconceptions
      1. Build Good Relationships
      2. Factors that Affect Relationships
        1. Examples of Non-Judgmental Statements
    5. Ask the Questions that Matter
      1. Learn How to Ask Questions
      2. Techniques to Practise
      3. Give Reasons for Your Questions
      4. Wait for an Answer
      5. Tip
      6. Use Different Types of Question
      7. Case Study: Choosing Your Moment
    6. Confirm and Clarify
      1. Establish What You Want
      2. Define the Problem and Find the Solution
      3. Techniques to Practise
      4. Make the Right Diagnosis
      5. Be Aware of Hidden Agendas
      6. Deal with the Problem
      7. Case Study: Understanding the Culture
  3. 2. Talking
    1. Learn to Use Body Language
      1. Believe Your Eyes
      2. Read Non-Verbal Signals
      3. What Your Gestures Say About You
      4. Make Eye Contact
      5. Think of Your Body
      6. Watch Your Signals
      7. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and Body Language
      8. Manage Your Emotions
      9. Motivated Body Language
      10. Case Study: Respecting Personal Space
    2. Express Yourself
      1. Make Every Word Count
      2. Choose Your Words Carefully
      3. Make It Real
      4. Jargon-Free Language
      5. Think Smart
      6. Tip
      7. Appeal to the Senses
      8. Case Study: Sharing Your Feelings
      9. Think Before You Speak
      10. Be Honest with Yourself
      11. Tell the Whole Story
    3. Learn to Negotiate
      1. Understand Negotiation
      2. Learn Basic Negotiation Tactics
      3. Think Smart
      4. Say “No” When You Need To
      5. Learn to Push Back
      6. The Way that You Say It
      7. Reinforce Your Message
    4. Convey Conviction
      1. Don’t Mix Your Message
      2. Case Study: Recruiting Like Minds
      3. Tip
    5. Learn to Win Arguments
      1. What Do You Want to Achieve?
      2. Choose Your Battles
      3. Tip
      4. Maximize Your Chance of Success
        1. Effective Approaches to Arguments
    6. Argue Logically
      1. Learn to Be Logical
      2. Think Smart
      3. Stepping Towards the Conclusion
      4. Tip
    7. Summary: Learning to Talk
  4. 3. Talking to Groups
    1. Impress at Interviews
      1. Know What to Say and How to Say It
      2. 5 Minute Fix
      3. Tip
      4. Practice Makes Perfect
        1. Effective Interview Techniques
      5. The Group Interview
      6. Do Yourself Justice
      7. The Panel Interview
      8. Clear and Confident Body language
    2. Share the Message
      1. Motivate in the Long Term
      2. Encourage Feedback
      3. Maintain the Advantage
      4. Positive Motivation Techniques
      5. Motivate for Success
    3. Coach and Counsel
      1. What Is Coaching?
      2. Key Counselling Skills
      3. What Is Counselling?
      4. Tip
    4. Make Meetings Matter
      1. Understand the Purpose of Meetings
      2. What’s the Agenda?
      3. Aim for a Resolution from Every Meeting
      4. Think Smart
      5. Make an Impact
      6. Take Centre Stage
      7. Break the Cycle
      8. Tip
      9. Tip
      10. Keep It Simple and Under Control
      11. Case Study: Improving the Focus
      12. Learn to Chair
        1. Effective Foundations
    5. Learn to Present Well
      1. Have a Clear Purpose
      2. Put Together a Good Presentation
      3. Think Smart
      4. Use PowerPoint Effectively
      5. Make It to Measure
      6. Illustrate Your Presentation
      7. Use Special Effects
      8. Techniques to Practise
      9. Learn to Interact
      10. Case Study: Waking Up the Audience
      11. Dealing with Audience Questions
    6. Speak in Public
      1. Enjoy the Experience
      2. Analyze Your Fears
      3. Think Smart
      4. Effective Body Language
    7. Summary: Speaking to Others
  5. 4. Managing Media
    1. Develop a Telephone Technique
      1. Improve Your Telephone Skills
      2. Take All Incoming Calls
      3. Prepare Your Outgoing Calls
      4. Deal with Unavailability
      5. 5 Minute Fix
    2. Memorable Voicemail
      1. Leaving Voicemail
      2. Set Up Your Voicemail
      3. Think Smart
      4. Good Voicemail Techniques
    3. Write Good Letters
      1. How to Write a Letter
      2. Get It Right
      3. Watch Your Apostrophes
      4. Tip
      5. Good Beginnings and Endings
    4. Make Reports and Proposals
      1. Write a Report
      2. Making a Proposal
      3. Avoid the Pitfalls
    5. E-mail with Impact
      1. Write Effective E-mails
      2. Forward with Care
      3. Use E-mail Effectively
      4. E-mailing Dos and Don’ts
        1. Use Correct E-Mail Etiquette
    6. Video and Audio Conferencing
      1. Pay Attention to Names
      2. Techniques to Practise
      3. Keep Control
      4. Tip
    7. Deal with the Press Effectively
      1. Prepare Well
      2. Take an Active Role
      3. Think Smart
      4. Learn to Handle Telephone Interviews
    8. TV and Radio Interviews
      1. Be Confident
      2. 5 Minute Fix
      3. Techniques to Practise
      4. Dress to Impress
    9. Summary: Handling the Media
  6. 5. Deal with Conflict
    1. Rise to the Challenge
      1. Be Positive
      2. Keep Control
      3. Keep the Balance
    2. Recognize Breakdown
      1. Look Out for the Signs
      2. See the Humour
      3. Keep an Eye on Meetings
      4. Look at the Details
      5. Case Study: Dealing with Potential Conflict
    3. Resolve Conflict
      1. Analyze the Perception
      2. Use Feedback to Avoid Conflict
      3. Effective Ways to Deal with Problems
      4. Conflict Management
    4. Pass on Bad News
      1. Do It Now
      2. Do It Properly
      3. Techniques to Practise
      4. Case Study: Breaking the News Gradually
      5. Tip
    5. Deal with Friction
      1. Face Up to It
      2. Talk About It
      3. Think Smart
      4. 5 Minute Fix
    6. Deal with Team Conflict
      1. Be Aware of the Complexities
      2. Get to the Root of the Problem
      3. Resolve Conflict as a Group
      4. Learn to Resolve Conflict
      5. Use Coaching, Team Talks, and Feedback
      6. Use Your Negotiation Skills
      7. Mediate to Achieve a Solution
      8. Recognize the Need for Arbitration
      9. Use Training
      10. Case Study: Getting to the Root Cause
    7. Repair Public Relations
      1. Recognize the Importance of PR
      2. Adapt to the Situation
      3. Think of the Global Audience
      4. Techniques to Limit the Damage
      5. Assess Your Needs
      6. Tip
    8. Summary: Dealing with Conflict

Product information

  • Title: Effective Communications
  • Author(s): Steve Shipside
  • Release date: February 2007
  • Publisher(s): Dorling Kindersley Limited
  • ISBN: 9781405317535