Help from Other eBayers

Sometimes, the best (and fastest) way to get a good answer is not from the powers that be, but from other people who actually use the site. eBay makes member-to-member help possible in three ways: the Answer Center, Discussion Boards, and Chat. You can find all three through the eBay navigation bar's Community link. Chapter 10 gives you the details about how to talk with other eBayers (Section 10.1.1); this section highlights the places where you can get help fast.


You must be a registered eBayer (Section 1.1) to participate in any of eBay's community discussions. You also have to sign in to the discussion boards and chat rooms to post in them (you can read posts without signing in). Look for the sign-in link at the top of any discussion board or chat page.

Answer Center

When you need a frank answer from expert eBayers, the Answer Center (AC in eBay lingo, Section 10.1.3) is the place to start. You find the AC by going to the navigation bar and then clicking Community Answer Center.

The Answer Center page lists topics on everything eBay—bidding, searching, listing an item, how to get the most out of your My eBay page, safe trading issues, and more. Click any topic to read eBayers' questions and the AC experts' answers. (You have to have a feedback score of 10 or higher to answer questions in the AC, so questioneers know they're dealing with experienced eBayers.)

The AC limits each discussion to 10 posts, max. This restriction keeps discussions on topic instead ...

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