Part III. Tactics for Mastering Dynamic Reteaming

Thus far, I have shared five patterns of dynamic reteaming with advice and tactics woven throughout. I’ve also shared anti-patterns. This part of the book goes deeper into the specific practices you can leverage to catalyze dynamic reteaming with greater confidence. It also shares how to cope with unexpected dynamic reteaming. Here’s how Part III is organized.

First, we get into the topic of designing your organization for dynamic reteaming. You don’t have to be starting from scratch. This section includes information on how to evolve your organization. We revisit the dynamic reteaming ecocycle in order to bring alignment to how your team views the current state of the company.

Second, we dig into some of the organizational constraints and enablers to dynamic reteaming. Following that are strategies for priming your organization for future reteaming. This includes community building and aligning on roles—both are critical scaffolds to hold continuity in place as you grow forward into change.

Third, I include some planning tools for people who want to embark on deliberate dynamic reteaming that is larger than the single-team level. Embarking on these reteamings is risky and challenging. Reorganizing teams is not a trivial endeavor. It requires great care and preparation. I’ve included several questions for you to analyze as you think about what you’re trying to do.

Following that, I include activities that you can do after your ...

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