Searching Your Droid X

Looking to find the proverbial needle in a haystack on your Droid X? It can seem like an insurmountable problem. After all, the Droid X’s haystack is rather large, including contacts, maps, social networking sites like Facebook, and the entire Web.

It could take you quite a long time to find a needle in all that hay if you didn’t have the Droid X’s universal search, which searches all of the above in one fell swoop. Here’s what universal search scans to find matches for you:

  • Contacts. Search through first and last names, and also company names. It lists names as well as phone numbers in the results.

  • Browser. Looks through your bookmarks and web history.

  • Music. Searches artist names, album names, and track names.

  • Kindle. If you have the Android Kindle book-reading app from Amazon on your Droid X, universal search looks through the titles and authors of the books you’ve downloaded.


    When you first unpacked and used your Droid X, it may not have had the Kindle app on it, and you may never have downloaded it. Yet the app is most likely on your Droid X all the same. That’s because Motorola regularly installs software updates on your phone wirelessly. (It’s called an over the air update, or OTA.) During one of those updates—update 1.13.604 to be very precise—the Kindle was installed.

  • Google search. Lists popular Google searches that include your search term. It also includes search terms you’ve already used on Google, even those that you’ve used on a computer, not on ...

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