Appendix A. Getting Help

Hard as it may be to believe, even a book as voluminous and detailed as this one may not answer all your questions about Dreamweaver. Fortunately, a range of other resources awaits you when a feature’s giving you trouble.

Getting Help from Dreamweaver

There’s plenty of assistance built right into Dreamweaver, from beginner tutorials to the Adobe Help system. You can also access Dreamweaver’s electronic help system and online support center from the Help menu. You’ll find details below.

Detailed Assistance

Dreamweaver’s Help system uses a separate program, Adobe Help, for Dreamweaver CS5.5’s documentation. Adobe Help also lets you tap into help from (, as well as from select resources on the Web. The Help program is basically just a modified web browser that searches online documentation. Choose Help→Dreamweaver Help (or press the F1 key) to launch the Help program and view the Using Dreamweaver CS5.5 documents. It includes a list of categories such as “Creating Pages with CSS” and “Previewing pages,” where you can get more detailed information on various aspects of the program.


If you prefer your documentation printed, you can download a PDF of the entire Dreamweaver manual. Choose Help→Dreamweaver Help (or press the F1 key) to access the online help documents. You’ll find a link in the top right of the program labeled “View Help PDF” that downloads a hefty Adobe Acrobat file.

Adobe also offers a more interactive version of their online ...

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