Defining Editable Regions

Your next task is to specify which parts of your template you want locked and which you want editable. By default, everything on a page is locked. After all, the main reason to use a template is to maintain a consistent, unchanging design and structure among pages. To make a template usable, you must define the area or areas page authors can change.

The Templates category of the Assets panel lists the name, file size, and location of each template in the current local site. The Apply button applies a template to the current open web page. The Refresh Site List button updates the list of templates: If you just created a template and don’t see it listed, click this button. The New Template button creates a new blank template in the Templates folder. Select a template from the list and click the Edit Template button to open the template for editing.

Figure 20-4. The Templates category of the Assets panel lists the name, file size, and location of each template in the current local site. The Apply button applies a template to the current open web page. The Refresh Site List button updates the list of templates: If you just created a template and don’t see it listed, click this button. The New Template button creates a new blank template in the Templates folder. Select a template from the list and click the Edit Template button to open the template for editing.

Adding a Basic Editable Region

To add an editable region to a template, start by selecting the part of the page you want to make changeable. You can designate as editable anything in the document window (that is, any HTML between the <body> tags).


You can always add Cascading Style Sheets, JavaScript code, and meta tag information to the <head> of a template-based page. Any <head> content in the original template files stays put in the page you create from it, however. For example, you can’t remove an ...

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