Book description
Learn to create dynamic, data-driven Web sites using the exciting enhancements in the Dreamweaver CS3 version. You get a thorough understanding of the basics and then progress to learning how to produce pages with pizzazz, connect to live databases, integrate with Flash and Photoshop, use advanced technologies like Spry and Ajax, incorporate Flash, Shockwave, QuickTime, and WAV files, import Photoshop files directly into Dreamweaver, and enjoy Web success.
Table of contents
- Copyright
- About the Author
- About the Instructional Designer
- Credits
- Acknowledgments
- Who Should Read This Book?
- What Hardware and Software Do You Need?
How This Book Is Organized
- Part I — Laying the Groundwork in Dreamweaver CS3
- Part II — Designing and Crafting Core Pages
- Part III — Adding Advanced Design Features
- Part IV — Incorporating Dynamic Data
- Part V — Including Multimedia Elements
- Part VI — Enhancing Productivity and Web Site Management
- Part VII — Extending Dreamweaver
- Appendix
- Conventions Used in This Book
- Navigating This Book
- Further Information
I. Laying the Groundwork in Dreamweaver CS3
- 1. What's New in Dreamweaver CS3
2. Introducing Dreamweaver CS3
- 2.1. The Dynamic World of Dreamweaver
2.2. The Dreamweaver Interface
- 2.2.1. Easy text entry
- 2.2.2. Drag-and-drop data fields
- 2.2.3. One-stop object modification
- 2.2.4. Accessing and managing resources
- 2.2.5. Complete custom environment
- 2.2.6. Managing keyboard shortcuts
- 2.2.7. Simple selection process
- 2.2.8. Enhanced layout options
- 2.2.9. Plugin media preview
- 2.2.10. Extended find and replace
- 2.3. Up-to-Date Code Standards
- 2.4. Next-Generation Features
- 2.5. Program Extensibility
- 2.6. Automation Enhancements
- 2.7. Site Management Tools
- 2.8. Summary
- 3. Touring Dreamweaver
4. Setting Your Preferences
4.1. Customizing Your Environment
4.1.1. General preferences
- Document options
- Editing options
- Show Dialog When Inserting Objects option
- Enable Double-Byte Inline Input option
- Switch To Plain Paragraph After Heading option
- Allow Multiple Consecutive Spaces option
- Use <strong> And <em> In Place Of And option
- Use CSS Instead Of HTML Tags option
- Warn When Placing Editable Regions Within <p> Or <h1>-<h6> Tags option
- Centering option
- Maximum Number Of History Steps option
- Spelling Dictionary option
- 4.1.2. Preferences for invisible elements
- 4.1.3. Highlighting preferences
- 4.1.4. Status Bar preferences
- 4.1.5. File Types / Editors preferences
- 4.1.6. Copy/Paste preferences
- 4.1.7. New Document preferences
4.1.1. General preferences
- 4.2. Adjusting Advanced Features
4.3. Making Online Connections
4.3.1. Site preferences
- Always Show Local/Remote Files On The Right/Left option
- Dependent Files options
- FTP Connection: Disconnect After __ Minutes Idle option
- FTP Time Out option
- FTP Transfer options: Select Default Action In Dialogs After __ Seconds
- Firewall Host and Firewall Port options
- Put options
- Move options
- Manage Sites button
- 4.3.2. Preview In Browser preferences
4.3.1. Site preferences
4.4. Customizing Your Code
- 4.4.1. Fonts preferences
- 4.4.2. Code Hints preferences
4.4.3. Code Rewriting preferences
- Fix Invalidly Nested And Unclosed Tags option
- Rename Form Items When Pasting option
- Remove Extra Closing Tags option
- Warn When Fixing Or Removing Tags option
- Never Rewrite Code preferences
- Special Character Encoding preferences
- URL Encoding preferences
- Active Content preferences
- 4.4.4. Code Coloring preferences
- 4.4.5. Code Format preferences
- 4.4.6. Validator preferences
- 4.5. Summary
4.1. Customizing Your Environment
5. Setting Up Sites and Servers
- 5.1. Planning Your Site
- 5.2. Mapping Dynamic Pages for Web Applications
- 5.3. Defining a Site
- 5.4. Cloaking Site Folders
- 5.5. Managing Site Info
- 5.6. Working Directly with Servers
- 5.7. Creating and Saving New Pages
- 5.8. Creating New Documents
- 5.9. Previewing Your Web Pages
- 5.10. Putting Your Pages Online
- 5.11. Summary
II. Designing and Crafting Core Pages
6. Accessing the Code Directly
- 6.1. The Structure of a Web Page
- 6.2. Expanding into XHTML
- 6.3. doctype and doctype Switching
- 6.4. Defining <head> Elements
- 6.5. Adding to the <body>
- 6.6. Working with Code View and the Code Inspector
- 6.7. Using the Coding Toolbar
- 6.8. Enhancing Code Authoring Productivity
- 6.9. Adding Code through the Snippets Panel
- 6.10. Using the Reference Panel
- 6.11. Modifying Code with the Tag Inspector
- 6.12. Rapid Tag Modification with the Quick Tag Editor
- 6.13. Adding Java Applets
- 6.14. Adding JavaScript and VBScript
- 6.15. Validating Your Page
- 6.16. Inserting Symbols and Special Characters
- 6.17. Summary
7. Building Style Sheet Web Pages
- 7.1. Understanding Cascading Style Sheets
- 7.2. Working with the CSS Styles Panel
- 7.3. Creating and Applying a Style Sheet in Dreamweaver
- 7.4. Styles and Their Attributes
- 7.5. Design Time Style Sheets
- 7.6. Summary
8. Working with Text
- 8.1. Starting with Headings
- 8.2. Working with Paragraphs
- 8.3. Checking Your Spelling
- 8.4. Using Find and Replace
- 8.5. Controlling Whitespace
- 8.6. Working with Microsoft Office Documents
- 8.7. Styling Your Text
- 8.8. Modifying Text Format
- 8.9. Incorporating Dates
- 8.10. Commenting Your Code
- 8.11. Summary
9. Inserting Images
- 9.1. Web Graphic Formats
- 9.2. Using Inline Images
- 9.3. Adding Background Images
- 9.4. Dividing the Web Page with Horizontal Rules
- 9.5. Applying Simple Web Animation
- 9.6. Including Banner Ads
- 9.7. Inserting Rollover Images
- 9.8. Adding a Navigation Bar
- 9.9. Summary
- 10. Establishing Web Links
6. Accessing the Code Directly
III. Adding Advanced Design Features
11. Working with Divs and AP Elements
- 11.1. Divs and AP Elements 101
- 11.2. Placing <div> Tags
- 11.3. Creating AP Elements with Dreamweaver
11.4. Modifying an AP Element
- 11.4.1. Selecting an AP element
- 11.4.2. Resizing an AP element
- 11.4.3. Moving an AP element
- 11.4.4. Using the CSS-P Property inspector
- 11.4.5. The AP Elements panel
- 11.4.6. Aligning AP elements
- 11.4.7. Adding elements to an AP element
- 11.4.8. Forms and AP elements
- 11.5. Creating Your Page Design with AP Elements
- 11.6. Activating AP Elements with Behaviors
- 11.7. Creating a Loading AP Element
- 11.8. Summary
12. Using Behaviors
- 12.1. Understanding Behaviors, Events, and Actions
12.2. Attaching a Behavior
- 12.2.1. Using the Behaviors panel
- 12.2.2. Adding a behavior
- 12.2.3. Managing events
12.2.4. Standard actions
- Call JavaScript
- Change Property
- Check Plugin
- Drag AP Element
- Go to URL
- Open Browser Window
- Play Sound
- Popup Message
- Preload Images
- Set Nav Bar Image
- Set Text of Container
- Set Text of Frame
- Set Text of Status Bar
- Set Text of Text Field
- Show-Hide Elements
- Swap Image and Swap Image Restore
- Timelines: Go To Timeline Frame, Play Timeline, and Stop Timeline
- Validate Form
- 12.2.5. New Adobe effects in Dreamweaver CS3
- 12.2.6. Deprecated behaviors
- 12.3. Installing, Managing, and Modifying Behaviors
- 12.4. Summary
13. Setting Up Tables
- 13.1. HTML Table Fundamentals
- 13.2. Inserting Tables in Dreamweaver
- 13.3. Modifying Tables
- 13.4. Sorting Tables
- 13.5. Importing Tabular Data
- 13.6. Designing with Layout Mode
- 13.7. Summary
14. Interactive Forms
- 14.1. How HTML Forms Work
- 14.2. Inserting a Form in Dreamweaver
- 14.3. Using Text Fields
- 14.4. Providing Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
- 14.5. Creating Form Lists and Menus
- 14.6. Navigating with a Jump Menu
- 14.7. Activating Your Form with Buttons
- 14.8. Using Hidden and File Fields
- 14.9. Improving Accessibility
- 14.10. Styling Forms with CSS
- 14.11. Summary
- 15. Creating Lists
16. Using Frames and Framesets
- 16.1. Frames and Framesets: The Basics
- 16.2. Creating a Frameset and Frames
- 16.3. Adding More Frames
- 16.4. Selecting, Saving, and Closing Framesets
- 16.5. Working with the Frameset Property Inspector
- 16.6. Modifying a Frame
- 16.7. Targeting Frame Content
- 16.8. Handling Frameless Browsers
- 16.9. Investigating Iframes
- 16.10. Summary
17. Working with Timelines
- 17.1. Into the Fourth Dimension with Timelines
- 17.2. Creating Animations with Timelines
- 17.3. Adding AP Elements and Images to the Timelines Panel
- 17.4. Modifying a Timeline
- 17.5. Triggering Behaviors in Timelines
- 17.6. Summary
- 18. Powering Ajax Pages with Spry
11. Working with Divs and AP Elements
IV. Incorporating Dynamic Data
- 19. Establishing Connections and Recordsets
- 20. Making Data Dynamic
- 21. Managing Data
- 22. Working with Live Data
- 23. Crafting Multiple-Page Applications
V. Including Multimedia Elements
- 24. Adobe Photoshop, Fireworks, and Bridge Integration
25. Inserting Flash and Shockwave Elements
- 25.1. Director and Flash: What's the Difference?
- 25.2. Including Flash and Shockwave Movies in Dreamweaver Projects
- 25.3. Specifying Shockwave Properties
- 25.4. Designating Flash Attributes
- 25.5. Integrating Flash Elements
- 25.6. Creating Flash Buttons
- 25.7. Working with Flash Text
- 25.8. Configuring MIME Types
- 25.9. Managing Links in Flash Movies with Dreamweaver
- 25.10. Triggering Behaviors from Flash Movies
- 25.11. Editing Flash Movies from within Dreamweaver
- 25.12. Summary
- 26. Adding Video to Your Web Page
- 27. Using Audio on Your Web Page
VI. Enhancing Productivity and Web Site Management
28. Using Dreamweaver Templates
- 28.1. Understanding Templates
- 28.2. Creating Your Own Templates
- 28.3. Using Editable Regions
- 28.4. Adding Content to Template Documents
- 28.5. Making Attributes Editable
- 28.6. Setting Editable Attributes
- 28.7. Enabling Repeating Regions
- 28.8. Establishing Optional Regions
- 28.9. Nesting Templates
- 28.10. Working with Templates in the Assets Panel
- 28.11. Updating Templates
- 28.12. Removing Template Markup
- 28.13. Changing the Default Document
- 28.14. Summary
- 29. Using Repeating Elements
- 30. Maximizing Browser Targeting
31. Building Web Sites with a Team
- 31.1. Following Check In/Check Out Procedures
- 31.2. Keeping Track with Design Notes
- 31.3. Browsing File View Columns
- 31.4. Generating Reports
- 31.5. Administering Adobe Contribute Sites
- 31.6. Integrating Dreamweaver with Visual SourceSafe
- 31.7. Communicating with WebDAV
- 31.8. Summary
- 32. Integrating with XML and XSLT
28. Using Dreamweaver Templates
VII. Extending Dreamweaver
33. Customizing Dreamweaver
- 33.1. Adding New Commands
- 33.2. Managing Menus and Keyboard Shortcuts
- 33.3. Working with Custom Tags
- 33.4. Customizing Property Inspectors
- 33.5. Making Custom Floating Panels
- 33.6. Developing Translators
- 33.7. Extending C-Level Libraries
- 33.8. Customizing Your Tag Libraries
- 33.9. Summary
34. Handling Server Behaviors
- 34.1. Understanding Server Behaviors
- 34.2. Applying and Managing Server Behaviors
34.3. Standard Server Behaviors
- 34.3.1. Recordset (Query)
- 34.3.2. Repeat Region
- 34.3.3. Recordset Paging
- 34.3.4. Move To Specific Record
- 34.3.5. Show Region
- 34.3.6. Go To Detail Page
- 34.3.7. Go To Related Page
- 34.3.8. Insert Record
- 34.3.9. Update Record
- 34.3.10. Delete Record
- 34.3.11. User authentication
- 34.3.12. Dynamic elements
- 34.3.13. Stored procedure/command/callable
- 34.3.14. Special JSP server behaviors
- 34.3.15. ASP.NET server behaviors
- 34.4. Installing Additional Server Behaviors
- 34.5. Creating Custom Server Behaviors
- 34.6. Summary
33. Customizing Dreamweaver
VIII. Appendix
- A. What's on the CD-ROM?
35. Creating and Using Objects
- BC1.1. Inserting Dreamweaver Objects
- BC1.2. Modifying the Insert Bar
- BC1.3. Adding Other Objects
- BC1.4. Creating Custom Objects
- BC1.5. Putting JavaScript to Work in Custom Objects
- BC1.6. Summary
36. Creating a Behavior
- BC2.1. Creating a Behavior from Scratch
BC2.2. The Extending Dreamweaver Documentation
- BC2.2.1. Document Object Model
BC2.2.2. Dreamweaver JavaScript API extensions
- BC2.2.2.1. The dreamweaver.getDocumentDOM() function
- BC2.2.2.2. The dom.getSelection() function
- BC2.2.2.3. The dom.setSelection() function
- BC2.2.2.4. The dom.offsetsToNode() function
- BC2.2.2.5. The dom.nodeToOffsets() function
- BC2.2.2.6. The dreamweaver.getTokens() function
- BC2.2.2.7. The dreamweaver.getElementRef() function
- BC2.2.2.8. The dreamweaver.getBehaviorTag() function
- BC2.2.2.9. The dreamweaver.getBehaviorElement() function
- BC2.2.2.10. The dreamweaver.browseForFileURL() function
- BC2.2.2.11. The dreamweaver.getDocumentPath() function
- BC2.2.2.12. The dreamweaver.getConfigurationPath() function
- BC2.2.2.13. The dreamweaver.getSiteRoot() function
- BC2.2.2.14. The dreamweaver.releaseDocument() function
- BC2.2.2.15. The dreamweaver.browseDocument() function
- BC2.2.2.16. The dreamweaver.openDocument() and dreamweaver.createDocument() functions
- BC2.2.2.17. The dreamweaver.saveDocument() function
- BC2.2.2.18. The dreamweaver.editLockedRegions() function
- BC2.2.2.19. The dreamweaver.popupAction() and dreamweaver.runCommand() functions
- BC2.2.2.20. The dreamweaver.latin1ToNative() and dreamweaver.nativeToLatin1() functions
- BC2.2.2.21. The dreamweaver.relativeToAbsoluteURL() function
- BC2.2.3. Behavior API
- BC2.3. Useful Common Functions
- BC2.4. Dreamweaver Behavior Techniques
- BC2.5. Summary
- Wiley Publishing, Inc. End-User License Agreement
Product information
- Title: Dreamweaver® CS3 Bible
- Author(s):
- Release date: May 2007
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9780470122143
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