Docker - A Beginner’s Hands-On Guide

Video description

Docker is a set of platforms as service products that use OS-level virtualization to deliver software in packages called containers. The service has both free and premium tiers.

This course starts by explaining what Docker is and an overview of Docker. You will learn the basics of Docker such as image pull, run a container, stop containers, and delete images. You will also explore how to create your own Docker network as well as how to link containers to custom networks. Along with this, you will learn how to make a connection between containers running on different networks and how to delete the custom network. You will also be well versed in changing the permission of volume from read-write to read-only.

Furthermore, you will learn to clone a volume and mount it to another container. You will explore how to push images to our DockerHub account. You will learn to create your first Docker file and create multi-tier with docker-compose. Finally, you will understand how to use WordPress and MySQL with Docker Compose and how to work with the REST API of Docker Engine.

By the end of this Docker course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Docker and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right Docker workflow and continuously deliver better software.

What You Will Learn

  • Understand the basics of Docker
  • Understand how to create your own Docker network
  • Learn how to delete the custom network
  • Learn how to clone a volume and mount to another container
  • Learn to create your first Docker file
  • Learn to work with REST API of Docker engine


This Docker course is designed for every DevOps engineer. It can also be taken by system administrators, cloud infrastructure engineers, and developers

About The Author

Himanshu Sharma: Himanshu Sharma is an expert in Kubernetes, containers, and cloud-native infrastructure. He has more than 12 years of IT experience in a variety of industries, including medical devices, entertainment, enterprise software, and cloud computing. He is passionate about learning new technologies and believes the best way to learn is by doing it practically.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. Introduction
    2. Overview of Docker
  2. Chapter 2 : Installation of Docker
    1. Installation of Docker
  3. Chapter 3 : Docker Basic Part - 1
    1. Image pull, Running a Container, Stop/Delete Containers, Delete Images
  4. Chapter 4 : Docker Basics Part - 2
    1. Docker Inspect, Logs, Expose Container to the Outside World
  5. Chapter 5 : Docker Network
    1. Default Network, Creating Own Network, Link Containers to Custom Network
  6. Chapter 6 : Docker Network Part - 2
    1. Working with Host Network and Learning How to Delete Multiple Containers and Images
  7. Chapter 7 : Make Connection Between Containers Running on Different Networks
    1. Make Connection Between Containers Running on Different Networks
  8. Chapter 8 : Delete the Network
    1. How to Delete the Custom Network
  9. Chapter 9 : Non-Root User
    1. Got Permission Denied While Trying to Connect to the Docker with a Non-Root User
  10. Chapter 10 : Docker Volume with RO/RW Permission
    1. How to Change the Permission of Volume from Read Write to Read Only
  11. Chapter 11 : Cloning of a Volume
    1. Clone a Volume and Mount to Another Container
  12. Chapter 12 : Create an Image of a Running Container
    1. Learn How to Create an Image of a Container
  13. Chapter 13 : Tagging Images
    1. Learn How to Tag the Images and Use Them
  14. Chapter 14 : Push Custom Images to Docker Hub
    1. Let's Push Images to Our Docker Hub Account
  15. Chapter 15 : Rename Your Container
    1. Rename Your Container
  16. Chapter 16 : Dockerfile
    1. Create Your First Dockerfile
  17. Chapter 17 : Dockerfile - ENTRYPOINT and CMD
    1. ENTRYPOINT Versus CMD
  18. Chapter 18 : Dockerfile – Switching Users While Creating Image
    1. Dockerfile - Switching Users While Creating Image
  19. Chapter 19 : Dockerfile - Few More Things
    1. Few More Things
  20. Chapter 20 : Docker Compose
    1. Let's Dive into Docker Compose
  21. Chapter 21 : Running Multiple Containers with Docker Compose
    1. Create Multi-Tier with Docker Compose
  22. Chapter 22 : Build Image from Docker Compose
    1. Build an Image from Docker Compose and Run the Container at the Same Time
  23. Chapter 23 : Create a WordPress Website with Docker Compose
    1. Using WordPress and MySQL with Docker Compose
  24. Chapter 24 : Using REST API of Docker
    1. Work with REST API of Docker Engine
  25. Chapter 25 : Continuous Integration (CI) Between GitHub and Docker Hub
    1. Continuous Integration (CI) with GitHub and Docker Hub

Product information

  • Title: Docker - A Beginner’s Hands-On Guide
  • Author(s): Himanshu Sharma
  • Release date: July 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781801813853