Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion

Book description

This book outlines the key issues involved in framing, designing, and implementing inclusion initiatives for organizations and groups. It offers ideas for helping individuals develop competencies for inclusion. It shows how to apply the practices of inclusion and provides a unified model by employing diverse voices to address a range of related topics in multiple contexts. It also contains examples of how diversity and inclusion has worked in a variety of settings. The book is includes information from topic experts, including internal and external change agents and academics.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Praise for Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion
  3. The Professional Practice Series
  4. Series page
  5. The Professional Practice Series
  6. Title page
  7. Copyright page
  8. List of Tables, Figures, and Exhibits
    1. Tables
    2. Figures
    3. Exhibits
  9. Foreword
  10. Preface and Acknowledgments
    1. Audience
    2. Overview of the Book
    3. Acknowledgments
  11. The Editors
  12. The Authors
  13. Part One: Frameworks for Understanding Inclusion
    1. CHAPTER ONE: The Practice of Inclusion in Diverse Organizations: Toward a Systemic and Inclusive Framework
      1. Inclusion as the Key to Diversity's Benefits
      2. What Is Inclusion? A Multilevel Perspective
      3. Elements of Inclusion at Work
      4. Facing the Challenges and Paradoxes of the Practice of Inclusion
      5. Acknowledgments
    2. CHAPTER TWO: Communicating About Diversity and Inclusion
      1. The Work
      2. Research and Practice-Based Models
      3. Structure of This Chapter
      4. Why Fact-Based Communication Is Not Enough
      5. Communication Based on Individual Development
      6. Communication to Fit Organizational Stages of Development: A Generic Organization Development Diversity and Inclusion Model
      7. Communication Addressing Facts, Feelings, and Behaviors
      8. Conclusion
  14. Part Two: Individual and Interpersonal Perspectives and Practices
    1. CHAPTER THREE: Creating Inclusion for Oneself: Knowing, Accepting, and Expressing One's Whole Self at Work
      1. Embracing Our Multiple Identities: The Foundation of Inclusion
      2. Views of the “Self”
      3. Bringing One's Whole Self to Work: What Do We Mean and Why Does It Matter?
      4. Toward Integration: Dilemmas and Challenges
    2. CHAPTER FOUR: Strengthening Interpersonal Awareness and Fostering Relational Eloquence
      1. Communicating in Global Context
      2. Frameworks and Models That Support Interpersonal Practices for Inclusion
      3. Summary
    3. CHAPTER FIVE: Intercultural Competence: Vital Perspectives for Diversity and Inclusion
      1. Definitions
      2. Intercultural Competence
      3. Challenges and Opportunities in Integrating Intercultural and Inclusion
      4. Training and Development of Intercultural Competence
    4. CHAPTER SIX: The Work of Inclusive Leadership: Fostering Authentic Relationships, Modeling Courage and Humility
      1. The Role of Leaders in Fostering Inclusive Cultures
      2. Manifestations of Inclusive Leadership at Multiple Levels of System
      3. Practices That Support Inclusive Leadership
      4. Behavioral Manifestations of Inclusive Leadership
      5. Conclusion
  15. Part Three: Organizational and Societal Perspectives and Practices
    1. CHAPTER SEVEN: From Diversity to Inclusion: An Inclusion Equation
      1. Distinguishing Inclusion from Diversity
      2. Inclusion Is Harder to Achieve Than Diversity
      3. Developing Sustainable, Inclusive Organizational Cultures: The Inclusion Equation
      4. Summary
    2. CHAPTER EIGHT: Inclusive Human Resource Management: Best Practices and the Changing Role of Human Resources
      1. From Diversity to Inclusion
      2. Structure and Culture
      3. Best Practices
      4. Persistent Problems, Potential Solutions
      5. Future Directions in Inclusive HR Practices
      6. Changing Focus Changes HR
    3. CHAPTER NINE: Inclusive Organization Development: An Integration of Two Disciplines
      1. Introduction
      2. The Inclusive OD Paradox
      3. Integrating Diversity and Inclusion into Key Organization Development Processes
      4. The Challenges of Doing Inclusive Organization Development
      5. Conclusion
    4. CHAPTER TEN: The Development of Inclusive Leadership Practice and Processes
      1. Inclusion, Inclusive Workplaces, and Inclusive Leadership
      2. Inclusive Leadership and Leadership Development
      3. How to Fully Take Account of Inclusion in Leadership Development Systems
      4. A Process Model for Inclusive Leadership Development
      5. Conclusion
    5. CHAPTER ELEVEN: Creating Inclusive Climates in Diverse Organizations
      1. Climate for Inclusion Defined
      2. Organizational Change Efforts to Become More Inclusive
      3. Conclusion
    6. CHAPTER TWELVE: Models of Global Diversity Management
      1. Concluding Remarks and the Purpose of D&I Models
    7. CHAPTER THIRTEEN: Fostering Inclusion from the Inside Out to Create an Inclusive Workplace: Corporate and Organizational Efforts in the Community and the Global Society
      1. The Inclusive Workplace: Community and Society as True Stakeholders
      2. Expanding Inclusion Beyond the Traditional Corporate Walls
      3. A Proposed Three-Stage Continuum of Practices: From Philanthropy Through CSR to Corporate Inclusion Strategy
      4. The Inclusive Workplace Model in Practice: Global Examples of Corporate Inclusion Strategy
      5. Conclusion and Implications for Organizational Practice
  16. Part Four: Key Application Issues and Domains
    1. CHAPTER FOURTEEN: Global Benchmarks for Diversity and Inclusion
      1. How the Global Benchmarks Were Developed
      2. Breadth and Depth of Effective Inclusion Work
      3. Samples of Global Diversity and Inclusion Benchmarks
      4. How to Use GDIB
      5. Conclusion
    2. CHAPTER FIFTEEN: The Chief Diversity Officer's View of the Diversity and Inclusion Journey at Weyerhaeuser
      1. Organizational Background: Context for the Change
      2. What Was Done: The Change Management Process
      3. Weyerhaeuser's Strategic Framework for Change
      4. Inclusive Leadership: Twenty-First-Century Strategy
      5. In Summary
    3. CHAPTER SIXTEEN: Creating Diverse and Inclusive Colleges and Universities
      1. Definitions
      2. A Brief History of Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education
      3. Four Key Components of Diversity and Inclusion
      4. Institutional Commitment
      5. Key Issues in Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education in the Next Decade
      6. Conclusion
    4. CHAPTER SEVENTEEN: Fostering Inclusion from the Outside In: Engaging Diverse Citizens in Dialogue and Decision Making
      1. Examples of Dialogue and Deliberation
      2. AmericaSpeaks Meetings
      3. Start with an Inclusive Recruitment Process
      4. To Ensure Inclusive Decision Making, Meetings Require Conscious Design
      5. Key Principles of a 21st Century Town Meeting
      6. Outcomes of 21st Century Town Meetings
      7. From the Outside In: Implications for Other Organizations
    5. CHAPTER EIGHTEEN: Building a Culture of Inclusion: The Case of UNAIDS
      1. Introducing UNAIDS
      2. Model of Inclusion
      3. Challenges and Solutions: Inclusion at UNAIDS
      4. Lessons Learned
      5. Update
    6. CHAPTER NINETEEN: Inclusion at Societal Fault Lines: Aboriginal Peoples of Australia
      1. Introduction
      2. Case Study: Rio Tinto Iron Ore
      3. Conclusion
  17. Part Five: Moving Forward
    1. CHAPTER TWENTY: Inclusion as a Transformational Diversity and Business Strategy
      1. What Needs to Be Either Present or Put in Place to Create Inclusion
      2. Observations in the Field of Diversity and Inclusion
      3. Why We Have Not Made More Progress on Inclusion in Corporations
      4. Recommendations for Moving Forward
    2. CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: An I/O Psychologist's Perspective on Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
      1. The Contents of This Volume
      2. What Does an I/O Psychologist Make of This?
      3. What Can I/O Psychologists Contribute to This Issue?
    3. CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO: Inclusion: Old Wine in New Bottles?
      1. Historical Evolution of Approaches to Managing Diversity in the Workplace
      2. The Inclusion Paradigm
      3. Conclusion
    4. CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: Practicing Inclusion: Looking Back and Looking Ahead
      1. The Practice of Inclusion: What Have We Learned?
      2. Questions for the Future
  18. Name Index
  19. Subject Index

Product information

  • Title: Diversity at Work: The Practice of Inclusion
  • Author(s): Bernardo M. Ferdman, Barbara R. Deane
  • Release date: November 2013
  • Publisher(s): Jossey-Bass
  • ISBN: 9780470401330