10Project Based on Verilog HDLs
This chapter includes VLSI projects based on digital circuit design using Verilog programming and functional verification with a truth table on Xilinx tool [1–2]. The project includes all four levels of abstraction of Verilog from the switch-level to behavioral-level model. Each project gives a basic description of design including truth table and design verification results.
Xilinx ISE is one of the useful simulators that uses Verilog/VHDL languages to design and implement any digital logic virtually. Figures 10.1–10.4 show how the Xilinx ISE simulator interfaces to create a project, select the Verilog module, text editor, and waveform window, respectively.
Step 1: file → new project → project name
Step 2: Right click on project created → new source → select Verilog module → module name. Choose option next and finish.
Step 3: Write a Verilog program ...
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