Chapter 3

Capturing Macros and Close-ups


Bullet Getting into macro and close-up photography

Bullet Tips for taking effective macros and close-ups

Bullet Working with different types of lenses

Bullet Using special close-up accessories

Macros and close-up photos give us a vantage point we don’t normally see. Small bugs become huge. Hidden details become visible. The mundane becomes magical. You can literally see the hair on a fly’s backside. These photos evoke “oohs” and “aahs” from us because they are so different and interesting to look at. I’ve packed this chapter with information about macro and close-up photography so that you can see it in action.

True macro photography has a technical side that I describe in this chapter, but you don’t have to be a stickler for definitions to take close-ups and enjoy them. Take advantage of the tips and techniques I share to help you get started and capture amazingly cool photos. Finally, shop for accessories that will help you shoot close-ups with normal lenses. Enjoy!

Defining Macro and Close-up Photography

Technically, macro photography relies on ...

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