Chapter 14
A1 Fourier transform
Property 14.1 The main properties of the DFT are listed below:
- X(f) is bounded, continuous, tends towards 0 at infinity and belongs to L2;
- the Fourier transform is linear;
- expansion/compression of time: the Fourier transform of x(at) is ;
- delay: the Fourier transform of x(t − t0) is X(f)e−2j π f t0;
- modulation: the Fourier transform of x(t)e2jπfot is X(f − f0);
- conjugation: the Fourier transform of x* (t) is X*(– f). Therefore, if the signal x(t) is real, X(f) = X*(– f). This property is said to be of hermitian symmetry;
- if the signal x(t) is real and even, X(f) is real and even;
- if the signal is purely imaginary and odd, X(f) is purely imaginary and odd;
- the convolution product, written (x ⋆ y) (t), is defined by:
and has X(f) y (f) as its Fourier transform;
- likewise, the Fourier transform of x (t)y(t) is (X ⋆ Y)(f);
- if x(t) is m times continuously differentiable and if its derivatives are summable up to the m-th order, then the Fourier transform of the m-th derivative x(m)(t) is (2jπf)m X (f);
- if t m x (t) is summable, then the Fourier transform of (− 2jπt)m x (t) is the m-th derivative X (m) (f).
A2 Discrete time Fourier transform ...
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