There are a number of individuals who have contributed their time and counsel to this effort. This book would not be complete without both acknowledging and gratefully thanking them.
Aaton: Jean-Pierre Beauviala, Alain Bellet; AbelCineTech: Peter Abel; Alcatel Network Systems: Michael Newsom; American Zoetrope: Francis Coppola, Kim Aubry; Arriflex Corporation: Russell Guenther, Marc Shipman-Mueller; Balsmeyer & Everett/Syzygy Digital Cinema: Randy Balsmeyer, Michael Arias; Banned From The Ranch Entertainment: Van Ling; Cinema Products: Ed Digiulio; Rick Baker & Associates/Cinovation Studios, Inc.: Rick Baker; Debbie Perillard; Dolby Laboratories: Eileen Tuuri, Bill Mead, Christopher Irwin; Dream Quest Images: Hoyt Yeatman, Mark ...
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