2: Analogue versus digital
Digital Disruption came out swinging. And it’s pounded Analogue Anachronism. Analogue Anachronism looks like a wounded animal, and only when backed into the corner in the final few seconds of the round did it lash back at its nimbler opponent. Is this the end of the story? Is it towel time?
In this chapter, I will illustrate why the analogue can be resilient. Here you’ll find out why analogue emotion plays an equally important part as digital reason in our brand preferences and decision-making. I will bring you to New York City and show you how a barber’s shop repackaged the story of the barber’s chair in a bout of retail renaissance, we will uncover why microbreweries are trending up while macrobreweries are trending down, and we will explore why we keep insisting on wearing analogue watches when their digital counterparts are so much more precise. Stories of legacy, culture, identity, provenance and craftsmanship speak directly to our analogue hearts, and, as you will see, are the reasons we buy luxury priced tap water, why ritual animal slaughter is big business, and why only Champagne from Champagne can be called Champagne. And you will find out why Skype dating can never ever replace holding hands in analogue reality. Finally, we will link these lessons back to your business, and show you why there is plenty of fight left in Analogue Anachronism.
Hearts versus minds?
I am about to enjoy a home-cooked dinner with my friends Kaitlin and Aaron. Just ...
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