DevOps Complete Course

Video description

This DevOps course provides a step-by-step journey through the essential tools and practices of modern software development and deployment. You'll start by mastering the fundamentals of version control with Git and GitHub, creating and managing repositories, and collaborating with teams. As you progress, you'll dive into cloud infrastructure setup using AWS and explore core DevOps tools like Maven and Jenkins to automate builds, tests, and deployments in real-world environments.

The course then shifts to advanced concepts, introducing containerization with Docker and orchestration with Kubernetes. Through practical labs, you'll learn how to build, deploy, and manage scalable applications using containers, making it easy to deploy applications across multiple environments. You'll also integrate powerful automation tools like Ansible for seamless infrastructure management.

Finally, you'll explore monitoring and performance management with Prometheus and Grafana. These tools will help you ensure the reliability and scalability of your applications in production environments. By the end of the course, you'll be ready to implement DevOps practices in any professional setting, equipped with the skills to automate workflows, optimize deployment, and manage complex environments.

What you will learn

  • Implement version control workflows using Git and GitHub
  • Automate CI/CD pipelines with Jenkins for faster deployments
  • Deploy containerized applications using Docker and Kubernetes
  • Manage infrastructure automation with Ansible in DevOps
  • Monitor and optimize system performance using Prometheus
  • Streamline DevOps workflows with scalable, cloud-based tools


This course is ideal for software developers, system administrators, DevOps engineers, and IT professionals looking to automate deployment processes and enhance their knowledge of cloud and container-based environments. Basic knowledge of command-line interfaces and some experience in development or system administration are recommended.

About the Author

Valaxy Technologies: Valaxy Technologies is recognized as a leading provider of DevOps and AWS training. A.R. Shankar, the owner and founder, is a dedicated DevOps consultant with over seven years of experience specializing in AWS and DevOps practices. Since its inception in 2013, Valaxy Technologies has been at the forefront of cloud and DevOps education, helping thousands of learners worldwide. A.R. Shankar, along with a team of expert instructors, is committed to delivering high-quality, up-to-date training, empowering students to excel in the dynamic world of DevOps and cloud technologies.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction to the Course
    1. DevOps Introduction
    2. What Is DevOps and Tools Covered
    3. Resources
    4. Create an AWS Account
  2. Chapter 2 : Git and GitHub
    1. Git Introduction
    2. Content Overview
    3. Before Starting with the Course
    4. About Your Trainer
    5. What Is Version Control System and Why Git
    6. Install Git on Windows
    7. Set Up an EC2 Instance and Install Git
    8. Working with Git Bash
    9. Creating a Repository on Git
    10. Git Workflow
    11. Working with Git Stages
    12. Compare Code Changes with Different Git Stages
    13. Compare Code Changes with Different Local Commits
    14. Why Do We Need GitHub
    15. Creating GitHub Account
    16. Creating a Repo on GitHub Account
    17. Cloning a Repo from GitHub
    18. Push Code onto Remote Repository
    19. Working with Other Developer Code
    20. Git Clone Versus Git Pull
    21. Unable to Push Changes onto Remote Repository
    22. Connecting to GitHub Using SSH
    23. Map Local Repo with Remote Repository - Git Remote Add
    24. How a Java Developer Pushes Code onto a Remote Repository
    25. Working with Commits on Git
    26. Know Information about Specific Commit on Git
    27. Working with Commits on GitHub
    28. Commit Changes Directly on GitHub
    29. Why Do We Need Branches on Git
    30. Branches in DevOps Workflow
    31. Working with Branches on GitHub
    32. Working with Branches on Git
    33. Committing Changes on Branches
    34. Merge Changes onto Master Branch
    35. Resolving Merge Conflicts
    36. Forking a Repository
    37. Creating Pull Request (PR)
    38. Working with Private Repositories
    39. Adding Collaborator to a Repository
    40. Creating Protected Branches
    41. Tagging a Commit
    42. Revert Changes from Working Directory
    43. Reverting Changes from Staging Area and Local Repo
    44. Using .Gitignore File
    45. Git Rebase Command
    46. Git Fetch Versus Git Pull
    47. Introduction to Git Project
    48. Set Up Git Repository and Branches for New Project
    49. Allowing Developers to Check-In Code
    50. Enabling DevOps Workflow on Dev Environment
    51. Pull Request (PR) to Merge Code from Dev Branch to UAT Branch
    52. Release Code onto Production
  3. Chapter 3 : Maven
    1. Introduction to Maven
    2. Topics Covered
    3. What Is Maven
    4. How Maven Helps a DevOps Engineer
    5. Resource to Start
    6. About this Section
    7. Java Installation on Windows
    8. Eclipse Installation
    9. Create First Maven Project
    10. Maven Coordinates
    11. Default Directory Structure
    12. Steps Involved in Building a Java Project
    13. Maven Goals
    14. Maven Goals in Action
    15. What Is Pom.xml and How It Works
    16. Transitive Dependency
    17. Maven Repositories
    18. Maven Goals - Deploy Goal for Local Repository
    19. Push Maven Project onto GitHub
    20. Prepare Maven Server
    21. Prerequisites to Set Up Maven
    22. Set Up Maven
    23. Build Maven Project on Linux
    24. Maven - Command Maven Goals
    25. Create a Project with Maven Archetype
    26. Plugins and Dependencies in pom.xml
    27. Settings.xml File
    28. Tomcat Server Configurations
    29. Deploy War on Tomcat Server
    30. Maven in DevOps Workflow
    31. Set Up Jenkins Server
    32. Add Maven Build Server as an Agent to Jenkins
    33. Build a Java Project on Agent Server
    34. Build a War File on Agent Node (Maven Server)
  4. Chapter 4 : Artifactory
    1. Artifactory Setup and Integration with Jenkins
  5. Chapter 5 : Jenkins
    1. Introduction to Jenkins
    2. Create the First Jenkins Job, Jenkins Job with Parameters
    3. Run Maven Job, Deploy on Maven
    4. Jenkins – Master and Slave Configuration
    5. GitHub Webhook, DSL Job
    6. Jenkins Pipeline
    7. Integrating Artifactory with Jenkins
  6. Chapter 6 : SonarQube
    1. Introduction to SonarQube
    2. SonarQube Installation
    3. Console Overview
    4. SonarQube Installation with PostgreSQL Database
    5. SonarQube Integration with Jenkins
  7. Chapter 7 : Ansible
    1. Introduction and Lab Setup
    2. Adhoc Commands, Inventory, and ansible.cfg
    3. Write Ansible Playbook
    4. Conditions
    5. Variables, Tomcat Setup
    6. Ansible Vault and Roles
    7. Set Up Jenkins Using Ansible, Ansible Galaxy, CI/CD Job to Set Up Tomcat and Deploy War File
    8. Ansible Inventory
  8. Chapter 8 : Docker
    1. Introduction to Docker and Kubernetes
    2. Docker Introduction
    3. Docker Basic Commands and DockerHub Introduction
    4. Docker Images and Docker Networks Introduction
    5. Docker Networks and Docker Volumes Introduction
    6. Docker Volumes
    7. Dockerfile
    8. Docker Compose and Docker Swarm
  9. Chapter 9 : Kubernetes
    1. Introduction to Kubernetes
    2. Installation of Kubernetes Using (Minikube and Kubeadm)
    3. Create Google Cloud Account and Initializing Kubernetes Cluster
    4. Install Google Cloud Command Line Tool and Create the Cluster
    5. Kubernetes Objects
    6. Replication Controller and Cluster IP Service
    7. How to Configure NodePort IP and Load Balancer
    8. Namespace and Services
    9. ConfigMaps
    10. Helm Charts
    11. Kubernetes - Volumes
    12. Physical Volume (PV) and Physical Volume Claim (PVC)
    13. Dynamic Provisioning
    14. Create PVC and Access from POD, Created Jenkins Server
    15. Install Git, Maven, Docker and Configure It with Helm
    16. CI (Continuous Integration) Job and Deploying Java Application to the Kubernetes Cluster
    17. CD (Continuous Deployment) to the Helm
    18. Horizontal Pod Autoscaler
    19. Memory and EFK
  10. Chapter 10 : Prometheus
    1. Prometheus Setup
    2. Grafana Setup

Product information

  • Title: DevOps Complete Course
  • Author(s): Valaxy Technologies
  • Release date: September 2022
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781804615508