Developing Talent for Organizational Results: Training Tools From the Best in the Field

Book description

Praise for Developing Talentfor Organizational Results

"Elaine Biech brings together some of the 'royalty' of American corporations and asks them to share their wisdom in increasing organizational effectiveness. In 46 information-filled chapters, these 'learning providers' don't just sit on their conceptual thrones; they offer practical advice for achieving company goals and the tools to make it happen."—Marshall Goldsmith, million-selling author of the New York Times bestsellers, MOJO and What Got You Here Won't Get You There

"Recruiting, developing, inspiring, engaging, and retaining your talent are critical to the growth and success of all organizations. Developing Talent for Organizational Results is a rich resource that can help you cultivate your most precious resource."—Tony Bingham, CEO & President ASTD and Co-author of The New Social Learning

"Hiring and developing talent is the area that I am most passionate about. . . . Developing Talent for Organizational Results covers all the important topics, uses multiple experts, and supports learning with ready-to-use tools to develop talent in your company. It is like having a million-dollar consultant sitting on your book shelf!"—Mindy Meads, former CO-CEO Aéropostale and former CEO/ President Lands' End

The best companies win with highly talented, highly committed employees—hiring and developing the best talent is essential. In Developing Talent for Organizational Results, Elaine Biech brings together the work of many of the most renowned learning providers in the world—all of them members of ISA: The Association of Learning Providers.

Filled with a treasure-trove of consulting advice from The Ken Blanchard Companies, DDI, Forum, Herrmann International, Bev Kaye, Jack Zenger, and others, this book delivers the answers you want to improve leadership, management, and communication skills; address training, learning, and engagement issues; and shape the culture and care for your customers to achieve desired results.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title
  3. Copyright
  4. Dedication
  5. Contents
  6. Foreword
  7. Introduction
  8. Section I: Communicating to Succeed
    1. Chapter 1: Communicate with Stories
      1. Let’s Start with a Story
      2. Remembering and Using Stories
      3. I Couldn’t Possibly Tell That Story at Work!
      4. A Good Story Well Told: Tips from the World of Theater
      5. Review
      6. About The Ariel Group
    2. Chapter 2: Reclaiming Your Peer Power
      1. Learn from Our Mistakes
      2. Four Key Principles
      3. Interpreting Your Responses to the About You Questionnaire
      4. About NetSpeed Learning Solutions
    3. Chapter 3: The Candor Advantage
      1. A Working Definition of Organizational Candor
      2. Putting Candor to Work
      3. Conclusion
      4. About Ridge Training
    4. Chapter 4: Open Your Business to the World
      1. Snapshot in Time
      2. Communication in a Global Marketplace
      3. How Culture Impacts Business: The Research
      4. Language vs. Understanding
      5. Establishing a Global Mindset
      6. Stereotypes vs. Generalizations
      7. Foundation for Improved Multicultural Communications
      8. Global Business Is Not a Choice, It Is a Reality
      9. About ECCO International
    5. Bonus Activity I.1: Turning e-Mail Drains into Productivity Gains: Which e-Mail Would You Rather Read?
      1. About Better Communications
    6. Bonus Activity I.2: Build or Repair: A Tool for Difficult Communication
      1. About Global Novations
  9. Section II: Moving into Management
    1. Chapter 5: Are You Prepared for Your Next Project?
      1. What Is a Project?
      2. The Four Vital Project Disciplines
      3. The Four Distinct Project Phases
      4. Project Management
      5. Business Analysis
      6. Product Development
      7. Change Management
      8. Roadmap to Project Success
      9. Planning the Project
      10. Specifying the Product
      11. Building the Product
      12. Implementing the Product
      13. Where Do You Go from Here?
      14. About Systemation
    2. Chapter 6: Using Involvement in Decision Making to Increase Engagement
      1. Results
      2. Maximum Appropriate Involvement
      3. Deploying the Model
      4. About Interaction Associates, Inc.
    3. Chapter 7: How to 10X Your Influence
      1. Our Serious Problems Are Rooted in Human Behavior
      2. Because We Lack Influence
      3. Why Quick Fix Solutions Fall Short
      4. Exponentially Increasing Your Success
      5. The Study
      6. The Six Sources of Influence
      7. Using the Six Sources of Influence
      8. The Conclusion
      9. Next Steps
      10. About VitalSmarts
    4. Chapter 8: Speaking Up
      1. Who Are They and What Is Their World Like?
      2. Nine Tips for Success at the C-Level
      3. Conclusion
      4. About PowerSpeaking, Inc.
    5. Chapter 9: Raising the Talent Bar
      1. The Business Challenge
      2. Business Acumen Defined
      3. Business Acumen As a Leadership Competency
      4. Business Acumen Training
      5. Summary
      6. About Paradigm Learning, Inc.
    6. Chapter 10: Eliminate the Us vs. Them Dynamics
      1. An Illustration
      2. Phase I: The Five Steps of Initial Demonization (Downward Spiral)
      3. Phase II: The Five Steps of Institutionalized Demonization (Emotional Investment)
      4. Phase III: Reversing the Spiral (Conscious Humanization)
      5. Soft Skills Are Hardest to Learn
      6. About Learning as Leadership
    7. Bonus Activity II.1: 3D Perception Sharing
      1. About the Dede Henley Group
  10. Section III: Executive Essentials
    1. Chapter 11: Brilliance in Brief
      1. The Main Message
      2. Maximizing Brief Interactions
      3. Conclusion
      4. About Zenger Folkman
    2. Chapter 12: Leading with Integrity
      1. An Example
      2. Walking Your Talk
      3. Conclusion
      4. About Strategic Leadership Collaborative, Inc.
    3. Chapter 13: How to Tell a Story . . . and Why
      1. How Do You Find a Story?
      2. How to Tell a Story
      3. Make It Memorable
      4. About Kevin Daley Communications
    4. Chapter 14: Your Invitation to Greatness
      1. Are Great Leaders Born or Made?
      2. Step 1: Practice the Top Ten Traits of Strategic Leaders
      3. Step 2: Build Accountability with Consequences
      4. Step 3: Build Strategic Leaders on Your Team
      5. Take Action
      6. About Impression Management Professionals
    5. Chapter 15: How Does a CEO Do Engagement?
      1. Beach Ball Meetings
      2. Beach Ball Meeting Results
      3. About Fierce, Inc.
  11. Section IV: Developing Leaders
    1. Chapter 16: Developing Future Leaders
      1. Actions for Successful Leadership Development
      2. The Ultimate Goal
      3. About ebb associates inc
    2. Chapter 17: Awaken, Align, Accelerate®—A Framework for Developing Leaders
      1. The Six Principles of Awaken, Align, Accelerate
      2. Applying Awaken, Align, Accelerate in Your Role
      3. Applying Awaken, Align, Accelerate in Concert
      4. About MDA Leadership Consulting
    3. Chapter 18: Designing Great Leadership Development Workshops
      1. 1. Research-Based Content
      2. 2. Engagement
      3. 3. Storytelling
      4. 4. Feedback-Rich Environment
      5. 5. Appreciation
      6. 6. Intense Experiences
      7. 7. Peer Coaching
      8. 8. Self-Awareness
      9. 9. Performance Breakthroughs
      10. 10. Accountability for Learning
      11. About Bluepoint Leadership Development
    4. Bonus Activity IV.1: Historical Orienteering: Leadership Lessons from History
      1. About Sonoma Leadership Systems
      2. Sample Historical Orienteering Activity Handout
      3. Sample Historical Orienteering Activity Card
  12. Section V: Shaping a Vital Culture
    1. Chapter 19: Bringing the Twelfth Man Alive in Your Organization
      1. 1. Use “Cultural Moments of Truth” to Show You Mean Business
      2. 2. Tell the Truth . . . Hear the Truth
      3. 3. Be Present
      4. 4. Tell Stories
      5. 5. Be a Healer
      6. 6. Lead Yourself
      7. The Twelfth Man Lives
      8. The Final Word
      9. About The Whiteley Group
    2. Chapter 20: Creating a Culture of Employee Work Passion
      1. How Is Employee Work Passion Different Than Engagement?
      2. Understanding How Employee Work Passion Is Created—A Review of the Appraisal Process
      3. Understanding How the Factors Influence Intent and Behavior
      4. Discretionary Effort
      5. Intent to Perform
      6. Employee Endorsement
      7. Intent to Remain
      8. Organizational Citizenship Behaviors
      9. Summary
      10. About The Ken Blanchard Companies
    3. Chapter 21: Owners and Renters
      1. Set the Right Example
      2. Provide Feedback
      3. Manage Talent
      4. About the Center for Creative Leadership
    4. Chapter 22: The Commercial Impact of Employee Engagement
      1. Methodology
      2. A Business-Driven View of Engagement
      3. Commercial Impact
      4. Engagement and Strategy Alignment
      5. Executive Influence
      6. Factors That Erode Engagement
      7. Summary
      8. About Performance Connections International
    5. Chapter 23: Thank God It’s Monday!
      1. Who’s at Fault 1: Executives
      2. Who’s at Fault 2: Managers
      3. Who’s at Fault 3: Employees
      4. About The Emmerich Group
    6. Chapter 24: Improving Workplace Cultures Through Respect, Service, and Safety at Work®
      1. Three Guiding Words
      2. Crisis as Opportunity
      3. Key Ingredients
      4. A Tool to Emphasize a Culture of Respect, Services, and Safety
      5. About CPI
    7. Chapter 25: Building Organizational Change Capability
      1. The Leverage of Building Change Capability
      2. Training and Development in Change Leadership
      3. Change: The New Strategic Discipline
      4. Summary
      5. About Being First, Inc.
    8. Bonus Activity V.1: Exploring Culture Through the Canyon
      1. About Root Learning, Inc.
  13. Section VI: Invigorating Your Training Process for Results
    1. Chapter 26: Getting More from Your Investment in Training
      1. The Opportunity
      2. Missed Opportunity
      3. Organizational Factors
      4. Sam’s Story
      5. Carla’s Story
      6. Beyond Training
      7. Before, During, and After Learning Interventions
      8. Wanted: A Learning Culture
      9. About RealTime Performance
    2. Chapter 27: Does Your Organization Have It Backwards?
      1. Step 1: Focus on Business-Level Results
      2. Step 2: Realign Training Resources to Support On-the-Job Learning and Performance
      3. Step 3: Make Formal Learning Efficient and Tactical
      4. Level 2: Add Confidence and Commitment
      5. Level 1: Focus on Engagement and Relevance
      6. The New “Business Results First” Approach
      7. Your Flag in the Ground
      8. About Kirkpatrick Partners
    3. Chapter 28: Design the Complete Experience
      1. The Complete Experience
      2. Four Phases of Learning
      3. Checklist for the Complete Experience
      4. Summary
      5. About Fort Hill Company
    4. Chapter 29: Engaging All Learners in an Age of Information Overload
      1. Delivering Learning to Overloaded Brains
      2. Learning Designed with the Learner in Mind
      3. Step 1: Understand Your Learners
      4. Step 2: Think About Your Learning Design
      5. Step 3: Put It All Together in the Context of the Reality of Your Learning Environment
      6. A World of Choices
      7. Practice It!
      8. About Herrmann International
    5. Chapter 30: Behavior Changes That Stick
      1. Assessing the Learning Environment
      2. Picking the Right Owners
      3. Choosing Sustainment Activities to Fit the Learning Environment and the Ownership Approach
      4. Going the Distance: Communication Planning and Systems Integration
      5. Seeking Expert Help
      6. The Execution Edge
      7. About Forum
    6. Chapter 31: Reinforcement
      1. Reinforcement
      2. The Manager’s Role
      3. About MOHR Access
    7. Chapter 32: Take Courage
      1. Lesson 1: Focus on the Business
      2. Lesson 2: Build a Bridge Between Line and Training Functions
      3. Lesson 3: Look for Progress, Not Proof
      4. Lesson 4: The Client Is Probably Already Doing Measurement
      5. Lesson 5: Track and Connect, Cause and Effect
      6. About Beyond ROI, Inc.
  14. Section VII: Timely Training Techniques
    1. Chapter 33: The Seven Separators of Great Facilitation
      1. Separator 1: Level 3 Energy
      2. Separator 2: Starting Questions
      3. Separator 3: The Opening—Inform, Excite, Empower, Involve
      4. Separator 4: The Why
      5. Separator 5: Directions—PeDeQs
      6. Separator 6: Engagement
      7. Separator 7: Dysfunction
      8. About Leadership Strategies
    2. Chapter 34: How to Teach Wisdom
      1. Wisdom in the Workplace
      2. Examples of Wisdom and Tacit Knowledge
      3. Transferring Unique Marketing Skills
      4. How the Wisdom Questions Work
      5. Example of the Difference This Made
      6. About The Steve Trautman Company
    3. Chapter 35: Maximum Value from Simulations
      1. 1. Choose the Best Simulation for Your Needs
      2. 2. Structure the Learning Experience
      3. 3. Create Learner Accountability and Reinforcement
      4. About Insight Experience
    4. Chapter 36: Virtual Classroom . . . Real Results!
      1. Best Practices to Successfully Implement Virtual Classrooms
      2. Go Forth, Virtually
      3. About DDI
    5. Chapter 37: Training Triage
      1. Cracking the Code of High Performance
      2. Finding a Path to High Performance
      3. Triage for Training
      4. Training Triage Applied
      5. What’s Next?
      6. About VisionPoint®
  15. Section VIII: Focus on Individual Development
    1. Chapter 38: Redirect the Development Dialogue
      1. An Old Story
      2. Education Required
      3. Turning Complaints Abound
      4. Planning for Stimulating Career Conversations
      5. Here’s to YOU!
      6. About Career Systems International
    2. Chapter 39: Building Your Business Acumen®
      1. Securing Your Seat at the Table
      2. Seven Steps for Building Business Acumen
      3. Get Started Today
      4. About Acumen Learning
    3. Chapter 40: Resilience—Build This Essential Personal Capability
      1. Why Change Is Challenging
      2. Personal Resilience
      3. Developing Resilience
      4. About Resilience Alliance
    4. Chapter 41: The Promise of Peer Group Coaching to Develop High-Potential Leaders
      1. What High-Potential Leaders Have in Common
      2. A Scalable Approach to Preparing High Potentials
      3. The Basics of a Peer Group Coaching Approach
      4. Eight Guidelines About What Makes a Successful Peer Group Coaching Program
      5. The Benefits of Peer Group Coaching
      6. About The Eblin Group, Inc.
    5. Chapter 42: Maximize the Results and Multiply the Impact from 360-Degree Assessments
      1. What Is 360-Degree Assessment?
      2. What 360-Degree Assessment Is Not
      3. Why Conduct a 360 Assessment?
      4. Who Will Participate?
      5. When Will You Conduct the 360 Assessment?
      6. Which 360 Will You Administer?
      7. The Kick-Off
      8. Logistics
      9. The Role of the Superior Managers
      10. Feedback
      11. Coaching for Development
      12. Organizational Impact
      13. About The Glacel Group
    6. Chapter 43: How to Present 360-Degree Feedback Effectively
      1. Understanding Why People Reject Feedback
      2. Scheduling the Feedback Session
      3. Choosing the Location of the Feedback Session
      4. Methods for Delivering the Feedback
      5. Choosing the Right Approach for Your Organization
      6. Making Sure Your Chosen Feedback Delivery Method Is Effective
      7. The Group Work Session
      8. Choosing Facilitators and Coaches
      9. Conclusion
      10. About West End Consulting
    7. Bonus Activity VIII.1: Composing Your Personal Credo
      1. About the Authors
  16. Section IX: Caring Customer Service and Sales
    1. Chapter 44: Twelve Building Blocks of an Uplifting Service Culture
      1. 1. Common Service Language
      2. 2. Engaging Service Vision
      3. 3. Service Recruitment
      4. 4. Service Orientation
      5. 5. Service Communications
      6. 6. Service Recognition and Rewards
      7. 7. Voice of the Customer
      8. 8. Service Measures and Metrics
      9. 9. Service Improvement Process
      10. 10. Service Recovery and Guarantees
      11. 11. Service Benchmarking
      12. 12. Service Role Modeling
      13. A Final Note: Where and How to Begin
      14. About UP! Your Service
    2. Chapter 45: Who Killed Service?
      1. Who Are Customers?
      2. What Is LIST®?
      3. Why Do We Use LIST®?
      4. When Can You Use LIST®?
      5. When Not to Use LIST®
      6. Measuring the Success of LIST®
      7. Why LIST® Works
      8. About Sigma Performance Solutions, Inc.
    3. Chapter 46: Taming the Sales Manager Ego
      1. Red Flags
      2. Tips to Improve Sales Leaders’ Skills
      3. Ready for an Ego Check?
      4. About Amplify
  17. Recommended Additional Reading
  18. Website e-Tools
  19. About the Editor
  20. Index

Product information

  • Title: Developing Talent for Organizational Results: Training Tools From the Best in the Field
  • Author(s): Elaine Biech
  • Release date: March 2012
  • Publisher(s): Pfeiffer
  • ISBN: 9781118123751