Chapter 3. Building Apps with GPT-4 and ChatGPT

The provision of GPT-4 and ChatGPT models behind an API service has introduced new capabilities for developers. It is now possible to build intelligent applications that can understand and respond to natural language without requiring any deep knowledge of AI. From chatbots and virtual assistants to content creation and language translation, LLMs are being used to power a wide range of applications across different industries.

This chapter delves into the process of building applications powered by LLMs. You will learn the key points to consider when integrating these models into your own application development projects.

The chapter demonstrates the versatility and power of these language models through several examples. By the end of the chapter, you will be able to create intelligent and engaging applications that harness the power of NLP.

App Development Overview

At the core of developing LLM-based applications is the integration of LLM with the OpenAI API. This requires carefully managing API keys, considering security and data privacy, and mitigating the risk of attacks specific to services that integrate LLMs.

API Key Management

As you saw in Chapter 2, you must have an API key to access the OpenAI services. Managing API keys has implications for your application design, so it is a topic to handle from the start. In Chapter 2, we saw how to manage API keys for your own personal use or API testing purposes. In this section, ...

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