Chapter 1. The Cloud Data Platform Is a Great Fit for Data-Intensive Apps

Today’s data applications are remarkably different from their predecessors. The world of applications has witnessed a paradigm shift, where the ability to handle and process huge volumes of data rapidly has become a major focus. It is within this shift that the cloud data platform has emerged as a compelling solution tailored to address the unique challenges posed by data-intensive applications.

This chapter explores the symbiotic relationship between the evolving demands of applications and the features of cloud data platforms, demonstrating why these platforms are perfect for building data-intensive applications.

Benefits of a Modern Cloud Data Platform

As companies migrate from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud, they gain several benefits, including:

  • Access to virtually unlimited computing resources

  • Improved reliability, availability, scalability, and security

  • Flexibility to strike an optimal balance between performance and costs

However, the evolving needs of data applications have gone beyond these benefits, spurred by the modern data platform. Modern applications demand a comprehensive set of functionalities to effectively operate, including the ability to collect, analyze, and manipulate large volumes of data in microbatches or in near real time. Additionally, these applications require secure handling of diverse data types and structures, seamless integration with external tools and ...

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