
It is time to demystify what strategic planning is. Those are two separate things: strategy and planning. Planning is about analysis, and strategy is about synthesis. Planning is about facts, people, processes, operations, and finance budgets, whereas strategy requires creative thinking about customer needs, core capabilities, competition, and competitive advantage. Planning is a process approach to consider probabilities of what we think is going to happen and how it will happen, rather than consideration of the possibilities of what we want to happen or what we can make happen. Strategy is a process of continuous renewal and sense making that straddles the tension between competing for today and tomorrow; maintaining financial health and strategy health; and disrupting too much or not leveraging current core. Design thinking help leaders deal with these paradoxes and drive strategic dialogues and decisions around a new value system and tomorrow’s possibilities.


“The companies that survive longest are the ones that work out what they uniquely can give to the world—not just growth or money but their excellence, their respect for others, or their ability to make people happy. some call those things a soul.”

—Charles Handy

Bill Gates is frustrated with our inability to improve ...

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