AIGA VOICEVOICE.AIGA.ORGNewsletter for the American Institute ofGraphic Design.

Core77core77.comThe industrial design supersite.

Design ObserverDESIGNOBSERVER.COMFeatures writings about design and culturefrom some of the most well-known designers.

DesignSpongeDESIGNSPONGE.COMReviews, articles, features, rants, and raves on all things design related.

CoolhuntingCOOLHUNTING.COMA daily update on ideas and products inthe intersection of art, design, culture, and technology.

MocolocoMOCOLOCO.COMSite for modern and contemporarydesign news.

SpeakUpUNDERCONSIDERATION.COM/SPEAKUPAn open forum to discuss matters related to

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