About the Author

Photograph of Phil Barden.

Phil Barden has over 25 years client-side brand management experience (Unilever, Diageo, and T-Mobile). Whilst responsible for T-Mobile's brand positioning and development around Europe he became a client of DECODE marketing consultancy and first encountered ‘decision science’. DECODE's work led to the Liverpool St flash mob ‘dance’ ad, which increased T-Mobile sales by 49% and further work halved customer churn. This epiphanal moment led Phil to set up DECODE marketing in the United Kingdom.

He is now one of very few experts to combine a practitioner's perspective with a profound knowledge of decision science, and is much in demand for consultancy and research.

Phil lectures on decision science for the IPA and APG Diplomas, various MBA and MSc programmes and is a regular speaker at client and industry events.

In this book he bridges the gap between the world of marketing and decision science, taking the reader on his fascinating journey.

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