DB2 for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide

Book description

This IBM Redbooks publication discusses DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries. We provide the installation and configuration steps for DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries. We also present connectivity scenarios between OS/400 resources and Linux resources.

With V8.1, DB2 UDB for Linux is available for running in a Linux partition on an IBM eServer iSeries system.

Linux is one of the fastest growing operating systems in the industry today. Linux is quickly becoming a key enabler for e-business applications that are demanding more robust local database capabilities.

Applications running in the Linux partition can certainly leverage DB2 UDB for iSeries through a variety of interfaces (DB2 Connect, JDBC, ODBC), and this is an excellent choice to leverage the low administration overhead, autonomic computing, and security benefits provided by DB2’s tight integration with OS/400. DB2 for Linux is an excellent choice to support Linux (or other client/server) applications when there is a need to have local data storage within the Linux application environment or to leverage specific features of DB2 UDB V8 such as Federated Database or Microsoft .NET Framework support.

Table of contents

  1. Notices
    1. Trademarks
  2. Preface
    1. The team that wrote this redbook
    2. Become a published author
    3. Comments welcome
  3. Chapter 1: Introduction to DB2 for Linux on iSeries
    1. What is DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries ?
    2. DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries products overview
    3. Positioning of DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries
      1. Common features across the DB2 family
      2. DB2 UDB for Linux on iSeries V8 features
      3. iSeries benefits
  4. Chapter 2: Installation and configuration
    1. Tutorial for a basic understanding of DB2 for Linux
      1. Database objects
      2. Users and authorities
      3. Topics for DB2 operation
    2. Installation of DB2 UDB 8.1
      1. Requirements
      2. vnc overview
      3. Installing the DB2 (1/3)
      4. Installing the DB2 (2/3)
      5. Installing the DB2 (3/3)
    3. Create and test the sample database
      1. Create the db2 sample database
      2. Test the sample database
  5. Chapter 3: Connectivity with DB2 UDB for iSeries
    1. Connectivity overview
    2. DB2 Connect introduction
      1. Overview
      2. DB2 Connect and .NET Framework Application
    3. How to configure DB2 Connect
      1. The environment
      2. Configuration parameters
      3. Configuration on the OS/400 partition
      4. Configuration on the Linux partition (1/2)
      5. Configuration on the Linux partition (2/2)
    4. Introduction to the scenarios
      1. Create the sample database in OS/400
    5. CLI scenario
      1. CLI programming
      2. Compile and run
    6. ODBC scenario
      1. ODBC setup
      2. isql
      3. ODBC programming
      4. Compile and run
    7. Embedded SQL scenario
      1. Embedded SQL programming
      2. Compile and run
    8. JDBC scenario
      1. JDBC overview
      2. JDBC drivers provided by DB2 UDB for Linux
      3. JDBC type 2 driver scenario
      4. JDBC type 4 driver scenario
      5. Sample JDBC program (1/2)
      6. Sample JDBC program (2/2)
    9. SQLJ scenario
      1. What is SQLJ ?
      2. How SQLJ works in Linux on iSeries
      3. Configuration
      4. Sample programs
  6. Appendix A: Accessing DB2 UDB for Linux from OS/400 application
    1. Overview
    2. Requirements
    3. Configuration
      1. OS/400 configuration
      2. Linux configuration
    4. Interactive SQL
    5. CLI scenario
      1. Compile and run
      2. CLI for OS/400 local DB
    6. Embedded SQL scenario
      1. Compile and run
  7. Related publications
    1. IBM Redbooks
    2. Other publications
    3. Online resources
    4. How to get IBM Redbooks
    5. Help from IBM
  8. Index (1/2)
  9. Index (2/2)
  10. Back cover

Product information

  • Title: DB2 for Linux on iSeries: Implementation Guide
  • Author(s): Yessong Johng, Takaki Kimachi, Wei Wang
  • Release date: April 2004
  • Publisher(s): IBM Redbooks
  • ISBN: None