Chapter 6. B-Tree Variants

B-Tree variants have a few things in common: tree structure, balancing through splits and merges, and lookup and delete algorithms. Other details, related to concurrency, on-disk page representation, links between sibling nodes, and maintenance processes, may vary between implementations.

In this chapter, we’ll discuss several techniques that can be used to implement efficient B-Trees and structures that employ them:

  • Copy-on-write B-Trees are structured like B-Trees, but their nodes are immutable and are not updated in place. Instead, pages are copied, updated, and written to new locations.

  • Lazy B-Trees reduce the number of I/O requests from subsequent same-node writes by buffering updates to nodes. In the next chapter, we also cover two-component LSM trees (see “Two-component LSM Tree”), which take buffering a step further to implement fully immutable B-Trees.

  • FD-Trees take a different approach to buffering, somewhat similar to LSM Trees (see “LSM Trees”). FD-Trees buffer updates in a small B-Tree. As soon as this tree fills up, its contents are written into an immutable run. Updates propagate between levels of immutable runs in a cascading manner, from higher levels to lower ones.

  • Bw-Trees separate B-Tree nodes into several smaller parts that are written in an append-only manner. This reduces costs of small writes by batching updates to the different nodes together.

  • Cache-oblivious B-Trees allow treating on-disk data structures in a way that ...

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