Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI

Book description

The sheer volume of business data has reached an all-time high. By using visualizations to transform this data into useful and understandable information, you can facilitate better decision-making. This practical book shows data analysts as well as professionals in finance, sales, and marketing how to quickly create and use data visualizations.

Alex Kolokolov from Data2Speak and Maxim Zelensky from Datalineo Limited explain in simple and clear language how to use Microsoft Power BI to set up any visualization diagram. Managers with different professional backgrounds will learn how to "tame" data visualization, and step-by-step instructions will help you set up any chart professionally. The examples in this book clearly explain how customization facilitates the perception of data.

This book helps you understand:

  • How interactive visuals can be useful for your business
  • The basic rules for building charts
  • Exceptions from general rules based on real business cases
  • How to choose the right chart for every business case
  • How to create interactive visuals in Power BI
  • How to design corporate identity visuals

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Table of contents

  1. Brief Table of Contents (Not Yet Final)
  2. 1. Power BI Interface and Chart Anatomy
    1. Power BI Key Elements
      1. Top Menu Bar
      2. Page Canvas
      3. Visualizations Pane
      4. Data Pane
    2. How Power BI Builds Charts
    3. Format Visual
    4. Chart Anatomy
      1. Value Axis
      2. Category Axis
      3. Legend
      4. Shapes and Colors
      5. Data Labels
      6. Chart Title
    5. Responsive Mode
    6. Tips and Notes
  3. 2. Visualization Compass: How to Choose Charts Correctly
    1. Chart Choosers
    2. Ranking
      1. Number of Categories on the Chart
      2. The Length of Category Labels and the Chart Size
    3. Dynamics
      1. Structure
    4. Common Mistakes
      1. Line Chart for Ranking
      2. Line Chart for Dynamics
      3. Pie Chart for Dynamics
    5. Tips & Notes
  4. I. Advanced Visuals
  5. 3. Funnel Chart
    1. Step by step guide for funnel chart
      1. Step 1: Set conversion display
      2. Step 2: Set values
      3. Step 3: Display category labels without shortening
      4. Step 4: Set color-coding
      5. Step 5: Title and “text box trick” again
      6. Possible Mistake
    2. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for setting up a funnel chart
  6. 4. Maps
    1. Possible mistakes
      1. 1. Bubbles are difficult to compare
      2. 2. Data labels don’t display values
      3. 3. Appearance of unnecessary pie charts
      4. 4. Mistakes in the placement of objects
    2. Step-by-step guide for creating and setting up a map
      1. Step 1: Allocate data fields
      2. Step 2: Add and set up category labels
      3. Step 3: Set up the bubble size
      4. Step 4: Set map parameters
      5. Step 5: Give a clear headline
    3. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for setting up a map
  7. 5. Tornado Chart
    1. Possible Mistake
    2. AppSource Gallery
    3. Step-by-step guide for tornado chart
      1. Step 1. Set up Data Labels
      2. Step 2. Adjust the values axis
      3. Step 3. Set up the Y-axis - “Group” parameter
      4. Step 4. Customize legend and title
      5. Limitations of Tornado Chart by Microsoft
    4. Table-based Tornado chart
      1. Step 1. Set conditional formatting
      2. Step 2. Change the left bar direction and the bar colors
      3. Step 3. Change the table style and remove the grid
      4. Step 4. Format data labels
      5. Benefits of a Tornado-style table
    5. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for setting up a tornado
  8. 6. Bullet Chart
    1. Bullet chart options
    2. How to build a bullet chart
      1. Bullet Chart by Microsoft
      2. Bullet Chart by OKViz
    3. Step-by-step guide for bullet chart by OKViz
      1. Step 1. Switch off the X-axis and switch on data labels
      2. Step 2. Adjust or turn off the color coding on the scale (States)
      3. Step 3. Setting up the Y-axis
      4. Step 4. Setting up conditional formatting
    4. How to build a vertical bullet chart
    5. Paid version of bullet chart by OKViz
    6. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for setting up a bullet chart
  9. 7. Waterfall Chart
    1. Data preparation
    2. Step-by-Step Guide for “Default” Waterfall
      1. Step 1: Adjust Data Labels
      2. Step 2. Scale Y-axis
      3. Step 3. Configure the X-axis and Determine the Number of Columns
    3. Limitation of Standard Waterfall Chart
    4. Simple Waterfall
    5. Transforming Data with Power Query
      1. Step 1. Execute the Pivot Column Function
      2. Step 2. Select Values Column
      3. Step 3. Close and Apply
    6. Step-by-step guide for “Simple Waterfall”
      1. Step 1. Reposition Fields
      2. Step 2. Define Pillars
      3. Step 3. Configure Data Labels and Y-axis
      4. Step 4. Adjust Factor Labels for the X-axis.
    7. Benefits of the Simple Waterfall
    8. Tips and Notes
      1. Checklist for Setting Up a Standard Waterfall Chart
      2. Checklist for Setting Up the “Simple Waterfall” Chart
  10. 8. Gantt Chart
    1. Gantt Chart by Microsoft
      1. “Simple” Gantt Chart
      2. “Hierarchical” Gantt Chart
    2. Step-by-step guide for Microsoft’s Gantt chart
      1. Step 1: Adjust date type for the time axis
      2. Step 2: Expand the category area
      3. Step 3: Add data labels
      4. Step 4: Adjust bars: colors and height
      5. Limitations of the Gantt chart by Microsoft
    3. Gantt by MAQ Software
    4. Step-by-step guide for Gantt chart by MAQ Software
      1. Step 1: Configure category hierarchy
      2. Step 2: Adjust area proportions
      3. Step 4: Configure data labels
      4. Step 5: Customize colors for bar formatting
      5. Step 6: Remove unnecessary elements
      6. Limitations of the MAQ’s Gantt chart
    5. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for setting up a Gantt chart
  11. 9. Sankey Chart
    1. Data Preparation
    2. Step by step guide for Sankey chart by Microsoft
      1. Step 1. Allocate data fields
      2. Step 2. Adjust node positions.
      3. Step 3. Adjust colors for nodes and links
      4. Limitation for data labels
    3. Common Mistake
    4. Tips & Notes
      1. Checklist for the Sankey Chart by Microsoft
  12. About the Authors

Product information

  • Title: Data Visualization with Microsoft Power BI
  • Author(s): Alex Kolokolov, Maxim Zelensky
  • Release date: September 2024
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781098152789