Chapter 2. Data Science Use Cases

In this chapter, we show how AI and machine learning have disrupted nearly every industry—and will continue to do so in the future. We discuss prominent use cases across industries such as media, advertising, IoT, and manufacturing. As more and more building blocks become available, more and more use cases become tangible. Cloud-native developers have access to these building blocks through ready-to-use AI services such as Amazon Rekognition, fully customizable ML services including Amazon SageMaker, and easy-to-access quantum computers with Amazon Braket.

AI and machine learning have become truly ubiquitous thanks to recent innovations in cloud computing, leaps in computing power, and explosions in data collection. This democratization of AI and machine learning is fueled by an explosion of AI services that are easy to integrate with applications, require very little maintenance, and offer pay-as-you-go pricing.

With no required PhD in data science, we can implement product recommendations to delight our customers, implement highly accurate forecasting models to improve our supply chain, or build virtual assistants to simplify our customer support—all with just a single API call! These AI services free up valuable human resources to focus on domain-specific and product-differentiating features.

Innovation Across Every Industry

Many AI and machine learning use cases fall in one of two categories: improving business operations or creating new ...

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