© Malathi Mahadevan 2018
Malathi MahadevanData Professionals at Workhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-3967-4_14

14. Jonathan Stewart

Business Intelligence Consultant, SQLLocks LLC
Malathi Mahadevan1 
Raleigh, NC, USA

../images/463664_1_En_14_Chapter/463664_1_En_14_Figa_HTML.jpg Jonathan Stewart is a business intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies based in the United States. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher, and blogger continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in health care, manufacturing, financial, and insurance, ...

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