About the Authors

Dr. Guy Bunker is a Distinguished Engineer at Symantec Corporation. He is responsible for technical strategy for the security and compliance management group and runs a number of research projects around security, data loss prevention, and intelligent archiving. Guy has worked for Symantec (formerly VERITAS) for twelve years in a number of product groups and roles, including as CTO of the Application and Service Management Product Group. He has been a member of a number of industry bodies driving standards in computer storage and management and is currently an active member of the Enterprise Privacy Group and the Jericho forum. Prior to Symantec he worked for Oracle and had his own consulting business.

Guy is a regular presenter at many conferences across the globe, including InfoSec, StorageExpo, the SNIA Technical Forum, Enterprise Architecture, Storage Networking World, Linux on Wall Street and the Symantec user conference, Vision. He is regularly invited to give keynote presentations on data loss and governance, risk and compliance. Guy is frequently in the press and media commenting on the latest security issues and scandals!

This is Guy's third book, the previous two were on Utility Computing. The second, Delivering Utility Computing: Business-driven IT Optimization, co-authored with Darren Thomson is seen as a definitive text and was published by Wiley in 2006. Guy earned a PhD in Artificial Neural Networks from King's College London, holds several patents ...

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