Chapter 4. Managing Lists, Templates, and Converters

Silverlight 2 supports binding lists of items to target controls through the same mechanisms as those you would use to bind to a single item, such as an entity. Binding to lists also is similar to binding to single entities. Entities can implement the INotifyPropertyChanged interface to communicate with the target controls to notify them when a property value has changed. List-based controls can also benefit from notifications if they are bound to lists created with the ObservableCollection<T> or collection classes that implement the INotifyCollectionChanged interface.

You can bind controls directly to an object source or to a list of objects. This is especially useful for binding a list of objects to a list-based control such as ItemsControl, ListBox, or DataGrid, or to a third-party list-based control. Like the INotifyPropertyChanged interface, the INotifyCollectionChanged interface provides a way for the collection to notify the bindings when the contents have changed.

List-based controls in Silverlight 2 have an ItemTemplate property that defines how each row in a list-based control will be presented. The ItemTemplate can refer to a DataTemplate resource, which you can then reuse to apply the same template to different list-based controls. The template’s contents can be data-binding targets so that they can benefit from the data-bound source’s property values. This chapter will build on the binding techniques we’ve already discussed, and will show you how to bind to lists of entities, implement event notifications, and design item templates for lists.

Binding to List-Based Controls

List-based binding begins with a list of items. These items can be represented by, for example, a List<T> or any IEnumerable derived class. Once the list of items is obtained, the list can be bound to an appropriate target control such as a ListBox, ItemsControl, ComboBox, or DataGrid.


Because the concepts of binding apply to all of these types of list-based controls in much the same way, the examples in this chapter will use the ListBox control. ItemsControl is similar to ListBox, which inherits from ItemsControl.

The ListBox control can display items in a standard and straight list, or it can have its item template completely overridden and replaced with a custom set of XAML. Either way, a list of items that is bound to the ListBox control can be displayed item by item within the ListBox.

Setting the ItemsSource

Figure 4-1 shows a basic ListBox bound to a list of products. This ListBox is bound by setting the ListBox control’s ItemsSource property to the List<Product>. The previous examples in this book bind a property of a target control to a source object’s property. In the examples, the source object is set to the DataContext (either directly or through an inherited DataContext). The target controls in the previous examples had a value that they needed to display, and that value was derived from the data-binding source. For example, a TextBox control that displays a product’s name from an entity has the TextBox’s Text property bound to the source. A ListBox control differs from these examples in that the ListBox will display several items, and binding the source to a single property of the ListBox (the ItemsSource) is not enough to make the ListBox display the item values.

ListBox bound to basic list

Figure 4-1. ListBox bound to basic list

The ListBox control in Figure 4-1 has its ItemsSource property bound to the DataContext. This associates the List<Product> to the ListBox, but the display of the items must also be set up. Otherwise, if the ItemsSource is bound and the contents of the ListBox are not established, the ListBox will display the ToString() contents of each item in the List<Product>, as shown in Figure 4-2.

ListBox bound to ItemsSource

Figure 4-2. ListBox bound to ItemsSource

The ListBox shown in Figure 4-2 does not display the contents of each item, because it is not being told what to display or how to display it. The “how to display it” part is determined by creating controls that will visually display the desired content. In this case, the ListBox’s items can simply be displayed as a TextBlock that shows the name of each product. The display could also be much more elaborate, as you can represent the content of each ListBox item using templates of your own design. For the example shown in Figure 4-1, the ListBox items (displayed via the ItemTemplate property) are represented by a DataTemplate that contains a single TextBlock.

Example 4-1 shows the XAML for the ListBox shown in Figure 4-1. Two main bindings are functioning here. First, the List<Product> is bound to the ListBox’s ItemsSource property. Second, each row in the ListBox is bound to a Product from the ItemsSource binding and will be displayed using the DataTemplate.

Example 4-1. ListBox with a template

<ListBox x:Name="lstProducts" Height="88" HorizontalAlignment="Left"
    VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="20,20,20,5" Width="440"
    Style="{StaticResource ListBoxStyle}" ItemsSource="{Binding}" >
            <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
                <TextBlock Text="{Binding ProductName, Mode=OneWay}"
                Style="{StaticResource TextBlockCaptionStyle}"

Notice that the TextBlock is using data binding to bind the Text property to the ProductName property of the binding source. The binding source refers to the objects in the ItemsSource, which gets the data source from the DataContext. The DataContext will be set at runtime in the .NET code to a List<Product> which is bound to the ItemsSource property of the ListBox. Each row in the ListBox is bound to one instance of a Product. This symbiotic relationship between the source object, the DataContext, and the bound target control properties enables developers to declare what will be bound, and how, at design time in the XAML.

The ListBox control’s ItemsSource shown in Example 4-1 is set to the Binding keyword. This indicates that the ItemsSource will be bound to the inherited DataContext. You could set the DataContext for the ListBox or a parent control of the ListBox to the List<Product>, and the ItemsSource would inherit that List<Product>. The code in Example 4-2 shows how to do this inside the Loaded event handler for the Silverlight control.

Example 4-2. Setting the DataContext

List<Product> productList = CreateProductList();
lstProducts.DataContext = productList;
Dim productList As List(Of Product) = CreateProductList()
lstProducts.DataContext = productList;


The CreateProductList method creates a List<Product> inside the Silverlight 2 control. Chapters 511 will demonstrate how to retrieve records and fill them from server-based services using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) and REST. You can find the source for CreateProductList and all of the source code for this chapter in the sample code in the ListBindings solution.

An alternative method is to set the ItemsSource directly in the code. Either way, the ListBox gets the collection of items, which then leaves it up to the template to determine how to display the Product entity information. The code in Example 4-3 shows how to do this inside the Loaded event handler for the Silverlight control.

Example 4-3. Setting the ItemsSource directly

    List<Product> productList = CreateProductList();
    lstProducts.ItemsSource = productList;
    Dim productList As List(Of Product) = CreateProductList()
    lstProducts.ItemsSource = productList

Whatever binding technique you use, it is important to be consistent throughout the application. For example, it is a poor coding practice to bind an ItemsSource property to the DataContext in one place and to bind an ItemsSource property directly to a specific List<T> someplace else. Consistency is a good rule to stick with in development. However, it could be argued that using the DataContext technique is a better approach, as all other nonlist-based bindings rely on it as well.

Binding Mode Considerations

Notice that the binding mode for the TextBox shown in Example 4-1 is set to OneWay. This indicates that the TextBox will listen for notifications that tell it when the value that it is bound to changes. This means that if the value changes in the source object, that new value will be presented in the TextBox immediately.

Consider that this application is extended so that a set of TextBox controls below the ListBox will represent the details of each product. These TextBox controls that represent the details are bound to the selected Product using the TwoWay binding mode. If you want the changes a user types to automatically update the ListBox contents, OneWay does the job. However, if you want the changes to never be updated in the ListBox, the OneTime binding mode might be better suited to this task.

Choosing the appropriate binding mode is important and depends on the application’s requirements. A good rule of thumb to follow is to set the binding mode for ListBox items to OneTime when dealing with most master detail scenarios. Also, you should use OneWay binding for ListBox items only when you need to have the items updated, as the values in the source object change, which may be when another control loses focus. Often, ListBox items or DataGrid items are interpreted as representing what has come out of a data source, such as a database. Thus, if a user changes a value and has not yet clicked Save, and the value is changed in the ListBox (due to OneWay binding in the ListBox items), the user could become confused.

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