Data Analysis with Pandas and Python

Video description

This course begins with the essentials, introducing you to Anaconda and Jupyter Lab setup for Python and Pandas. You'll gain foundational knowledge in Python before diving into Pandas for data analysis. The focus then shifts to Series and DataFrame structures, providing you with the skills to manage and manipulate data effectively. Further, the course covers handling dates and times, and performing various file input and output operations, essential for real-world data analysis tasks. Advanced sections delve into data visualization using Matplotlib, enabling you to create impactful charts and graphs. You'll also explore advanced Pandas options and settings, enhancing your data manipulation capabilities. By the end of this course, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of data analysis techniques. You'll be equipped to handle complex datasets, perform detailed analysis, and present data visually, opening doors to advanced data analysis and manipulation in professional settings.

What you will learn

  • Understand and utilize Python's basic and advanced data types.
  • Master Series and DataFrame operations in Pandas.
  • Handle complex data types like dates and times.
  • Perform input and output operations with different file types.
  • Create and customize various types of data visualizations.
  • Optimize data analysis with advanced Pandas settings and functions.


Ideal for data analysts, aspiring data scientists, and professionals keen on mastering data manipulation and analysis. This course is a perfect fit for those with basic Python knowledge looking to delve deep into data analytics using Pandas. Whether you're aiming to enhance your skillset for professional growth or apply data analysis techniques in your current role, this course offers a comprehensive learning path from Python basics to advanced data handling and visualization techniques in Pandas.

About the Author

Boris Paskhaver: Boris Paskhaver is a New York City-based software engineer, author, and Udemy instructor with a unique journey into tech. Graduating from NYU in 2013 with a degree in Business Economics and Marketing, he initially worked in various roles, including business analyst and data analyst, at several companies. His coding journey began accidentally while building projects with Python and JavaScript, leading him to passionately pursue programming. Without formal computer science education, Boris completed App Academy's full-stack web development bootcamp, diving headfirst into web development. As an instructor, Boris focuses on creating comprehensive, easy-to-understand courses, addressing the challenges he faced learning to code. He's driven by the intersection of technology and education, aiming to make programming accessible to all. Boris brings this passion to his teaching, helping others unlock the potential of coding.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Installation and Setup
    1. Introduction to the Course
    2. macOS - Download and Install the Anaconda Distribution
    3. Windows - Download and Install the Anaconda Distribution
    4. Use Anaconda Navigator to Create a New Environment
    5. Unpack Course Materials + The Startdown and Shutdown Process
    6. Intro to the Jupyter Lab Interface
    7. Code Cell Execution
    8. Import Libraries into Jupyter Lab
  2. Chapter 2 : Python Crash Course
    2. Basic Data Types
    3. Operators
    4. Variables
    5. Built-in Functions
    6. Custom Functions
    7. String Methods
    8. Lists
    9. Index Positions and Slicing
    10. Dictionaries
    11. Classes
    12. Navigating Libraries using Jupyter Lab
  3. Chapter 3 : Series
    1. Create a Series Object from a List
    2. Create a Series Object from a Dictionary
    3. Intro to Series Methods
    4. Intro to Attributes
    5. Parameters and Arguments
    6. Import Series with the pd.read_csv Function
    7. The head and tail Methods
    8. Passing Series to Python Built-In Functions
    9. Check for Inclusion with Python's in Keyword
    10. The sort_values Method
    11. The sort_index Method
    12. Extract Series Values by Index Position
    13. Extract Series Values by Index Label
    14. The get Method
    15. Overwrite a Series Value
    16. The copy Method
    17. Math Methods on Series Objects
    18. Broadcasting
    19. The value_counts Method
    20. The apply Method
    21. The map Method
  4. Chapter 4 : DataFrames I: Introduction
    1. Methods and Attributes between Series and DataFrames
    2. Differences between Shared Methods
    3. Select One Column from a DataFrame
    4. Select Multiple Columns from a DataFrame
    5. Add New Column to DataFrame
    6. A Review of the value_counts Method
    7. Drop DataFrame Rows with Missing Values
    8. Fill in Missing Values with the fillna Method
    9. The astype Method I
    10. The astype Method II
    11. Sort a DataFrame with the sort_values Method I
    12. Sort a DataFrame with the sort_values Method II
    13. Sort DataFrame with the sort_index Method
    14. Rank Series Values with the rank Method
  5. Chapter 5 : DataFrames II: Filtering Data
    1. This Module's Dataset + Memory Optimization
    2. Filter a DataFrame Based on a Condition
    3. Filter with More than One Condition (AND - )
    4. Filter with More than One Condition (OR - |)
    5. The isin Method
    6. The isnull and notnull Methods
    7. The between Method
    8. The duplicated Method
    9. The drop_duplicates Method
    10. The unique and nunique Methods
  6. Chapter 6 : DataFrames III: Data Extraction
    1. This Module's Dataset
    2. The set_index and reset_index Methods
    3. Retrieve Rows by Index Position with iloc Accessor
    4. Retrieve Rows by Index Label with loc Accessor
    5. Second Arguments to loc and iloc Accessors
    6. Overwrite Value in a DataFrame
    7. Overwrite Multiple Values in a DataFrame
    8. Rename Index Labels or Columns in a DataFrame
    9. Delete Rows or Columns from a DataFrame
    10. Create Random Sample with the sample Method
    11. The nsmallest and nlargest Methods
    12. Filtering with the where Method
    13. The apply Method with DataFrames
  7. Chapter 7 : Working with Text Data
    1. This Module's Dataset
    2. Common String Methods
    3. Filtering with String Methods
    4. String Methods on Index and Columns
    5. The split Method
    6. More Practice with Splits
    7. The expand and n Parameters of the split Method
  8. Chapter 8 : MultiIndex
    1. Intro to the MultiIndex Module
    2. Create a MultiIndex
    3. Extract Index Level Values
    4. Rename Index Lebels
    5. The sort_index Method on a MultiIndex DataFrame
    6. Extract Rows from a MultiIndex DataFrame
    7. The transpose Method
    8. The stack Method
    9. The unstack Method
    10. The pivot Method
    11. The melt Method
    12. The pivot_table Method
  9. Chapter 9 : GroupBy
    1. Intro to the GroupBy Module
    2. The groupby Method
    3. Retrieve A Group with the get_group Method
    4. Methods on the GroupBy Object
    5. Grouping by Multiple Columns
    6. The agg Method
    7. Iterating through Groups
  10. Chapter 10 : Merging DataFrames
    1. Intro to the Merging DataFrames Module
    2. The pd.concat Function I
    3. The pd.concat Function II
    4. Left Joins
    5. The left_on and right_on Parameters
    6. Inner Joins I
    7. Inner Joins II
    8. Full-Outer Joins
    9. Merging by Indexes with the left_index and right_index Parameters
    10. The join Method
  11. Chapter 11 : Working with Dates and Times
    1. Intro to the Working with Dates and Times Module and Review of Python's datetime
    2. The Timestamp and DatetimeIndex Objects
    3. Create Range of Dates with pd.date_range Function
    4. The dt Attribute
    5. Selecting Rows from a DataFrame with DatetimeIndex
    6. The DateOffset Object
    7. Specialized Date Offsets
    8. Timedeltas
  12. Chapter 12 : Input and Output
    1. Intro to the Input and Output Module
    2. Export DataFrame to CSV File
    3. Install openpyxl Library to Read and Write Excel Files
    4. Import Excel File into pandas
    5. Export Excel File from pandas
  13. Chapter 13 : Visualization
    1. Install matplotlib Library for Visualization
    2. The plot Method
    3. Modifying Plot Aesthetics with Templates
    4. Bar Charts
    5. Pie Charts
  14. Chapter 14 : Options and Settings
    1. Introduction to the Options and Settings Module
    2. Changing Options with Attributes
    3. Changing Options with Functions
    4. The precision Option
  15. Chapter 15 : Conclusion
    1. Conclusion

Product information

  • Title: Data Analysis with Pandas and Python
  • Author(s): Boris Paskhaver
  • Release date: February 2024
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781788622394