Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World, 2nd Edition

Book description

Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World puts students on the real-world battlefield of cyberspace! It reviews the role that cyberwarfare plays in modern military operations–operations in which it has become almost impossible to separate cyberwarfare from traditional warfare.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Contents
  5. Dedication Page
  6. Preface
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. About the Authors
  9. Chapter 1 Information as a Military Asset
    1. What Is Cyberwarfare?
      1. Likelihood of Cyberwar
    2. The Evolving Nature of War
    3. The Role of Information in Armed Conflict
      1. Ancient Warfare
      2. World Wars
      3. Cold War
      4. Iraq War and Weapons of Mass Destruction
    4. Domains of Warfare
    5. Exploring the Cyber Domain
      1. Offensive Information Operations
      2. Defensive Information Operations
    6. Information Operations Techniques
      1. Computer Network Attack
      2. Computer Network Defense
      3. Intelligence Gathering
      4. Electronic Warfare
      5. Psychological Operations
      6. Military Deception
      7. Operations Security
      8. Identification of Critical Information
      9. Threat Analysis
      10. Vulnerability Analysis
      11. Risk Assessment
      12. Countermeasure Implementation
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Key Concepts and Terms
    9. Chapter 1 Assessment
  10. Chapter 2 Targets and Combatants
    1. Traditional Military Targets
      1. Military Targets in Conventional Warfare
      2. Acceptable Targets, Treaties, and International Law
      3. Cyber Targets in Unconventional Warfare
      4. Targets in Asymmetric Cyberwarfare
      5. Total Cyberwarfare
    2. Cyberwarfare Targets
      1. Cyberwarfare Against Traditional Military Targets
      2. Iran Versus U.S. Drones
      3. Flame: Replacing Spies with Software
      4. The First U.S. Cyberwar Strike: Serbia and Kosovo
      5. Nontraditional Cyberwarfare Targets
      6. Political Activism and Hacktivism
      7. Industrial Espionage
      8. Military Cyberattacks on Nontraditional Targets
    3. Targets of Information Operations
    4. Combatants in Cyberwarfare
      1. Military Forces
      2. U.S. Cyber Command
      3. Guerrilla Cyberwarriors and Insurrectionists
      4. Individuals and Small Groups
      5. The Jester
    5. Comparing Traditional Warfare, Guerrilla Warfare, and Cyberwarfare
      1. How Cyberattack Differs from Traditional War
      2. The Element of Surprise
      3. Deniability
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Key Concepts and Terms
    8. Chapter 2 Assessment
  11. Chapter 3 Cyberwarfare, Law, and Ethics
    1. Kinetic Warfare
      1. International Law and Kinetic Warfare
      2. Legal Review and Legality of Actions
    2. Cyberwarfare Law
      1. Cyberwarfare in a Kinetic Warfare Context
      2. Kinetic Warfare Law in a Cyber Context
      3. The Tallinn Manual
      4. Sovereignty, Jurisdiction, and Control
      5. Sovereignty
      6. Jurisdiction
      7. Control
      8. Responsibility
      9. Mercenaries
      10. The Use of Force
      11. Measuring Force
      12. Threats of Force
      13. Self-Defense
      14. International Governmental Organizations
      15. Civilians and Infrastructure
      16. Civilians and Military Use of the Internet
      17. Prohibited Targets: Children, Journalists, Medical and Religious Personnel, and Nature
      18. The Conduct of Attacks and Indiscriminate Means
      19. Espionage, Treachery, and Ruses
      20. Neutrality
    3. Ethics and Cyberwarfare
    4. Chapter Summary
    5. Key Concepts and Terms
    6. Chapter 3 Assessment
  12. Chapter 4 Intelligence Operations in a Connected World
    1. Intelligence Operations
      1. The Intelligence Cycle
      2. Planning and Direction
      3. Collection
      4. Processing and Exploitation
      5. Analysis and Production
      6. Dissemination
    2. Intelligence Disciplines
      1. Human Intelligence (HUMINT)
      2. Signals Intelligence (SIGINT)
      3. Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
      4. Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)
      5. Measurement and Signature Intelligence (MASINT)
    3. Intelligence Support to Cyberwarfare
      1. Supporting Offensive Cyberwarfare
      2. Supporting Defensive Cyberwarfare
    4. Case Studies: Media Reporting on Intelligence Activities
      1. Echelon
      2. Telephone Metadata
      3. Data Center Eavesdropping
      4. Follow the Money
      5. Quantum
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Key Concepts and Terms
    7. Chapter 4 Assessment
  13. Chapter 5 The Evolving Threat: From Script Kiddies to Advanced Attackers
    1. The Changing Threat Model
      1. Historical Hacking
      2. Modern Hacking
      3. Opportunistic Attacks
      4. Semi-Targeted Attacks
    2. Inside the Advanced Persistent Threat
      1. Characteristics of the APT
      2. APT Motivations
      3. Military/Political
      4. Cybercrime and Corporate Espionage
      5. Activism
      6. APT Tradecraft
      7. Zero-Day Attacks
      8. Malware
      9. Social Engineering and Phishing
      10. Strategic Web Compromises
    3. The Cyber Kill Chain®
      1. Reconnaissance
      2. Weaponize
      3. Deliver
      4. Exploit
      5. Install
      6. Command and Control
      7. Act on Objectives
    4. Chapter Summary
    5. Key Concepts and Terms
    6. Chapter 5 Assessment
  14. Chapter 6 Social Engineering and Cyberwarfare
    1. Humans: The Weak Link
    2. Social Engineering
    3. Influence as a Weapon
      1. Reciprocity
      2. Commitment and Consistency
      3. Social Proof
      4. Authority
      5. Liking
      6. Scarcity
    4. Tools of the Social Engineer
      1. Pretexting
      2. Phishing
      3. Baiting
    5. Defending Against Social Engineering
      1. Security Awareness and Education
      2. Incident Reporting and Response
      3. Content Filtering
      4. Penetration Testing
    6. Robin Sage: A Case Study in Social Engineering
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Key Concepts and Terms
    9. Chapter 6 Assessment
  15. Chapter 7 Weaponizing Cyberspace: A History
    1. Early Attacks: The 1990s
      1. Solar Sunrise
      2. Moonlight Maze
      3. Honker Union
    2. The 2000s: The Worm Turns
      1. Code Red
      2. SQL Slammer
      3. Titan Rain
      4. Stakkato
      5. Poison Ivy
      6. Senior Suter
    3. Stuxnet and the 21st Century
      1. Stuxnet
      2. Operation Aurora
      3. Duqu
      4. Flame
      5. FOXACID
      6. Careto
      7. Russia’s Ukraine Campaign
      8. USCYBERCOM Action Against Russia
    4. Chapter Summary
    5. Key Concepts and Terms
    6. Chapter 7 Assessment
  16. Chapter 8 Nonstate Actors in Cyberwar
    1. Understanding Nonstate Actors
      1. Nongovernmental Organizations
      2. Organized Crime
      3. Corporations
      4. Terrorists and Activists
      5. Individuals and the Media
    2. The Roles of Nonstate Actors in Cyberwar
      1. Targets
      2. Participants
      3. Critics
    3. NGOs in Cyberwar
      1. Aid Groups
      2. Diplomatic Organizations
      3. Religious Organizations
    4. Organized Crime
    5. Corporations
      1. Industrial Espionage
      2. Cooperation with Intelligence Agencies
    6. Terrorists and Activists
      1. Estonia
      2. Syrian Electronic Army
      3. Anonymous
    7. Individuals and the Media
      1. Individual Motivations
      2. Hackers
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Key Concepts and Terms
    10. Chapter 8 Assessment
  17. Chapter 9 Defense-in-Depth Strategies
    1. Defense in Depth
    2. Defense-in-Depth Strategies
      1. The NSA People, Technology, and Operations Defense Strategy
      2. People
      3. Technology
      4. Operations
      5. The 20 CIS Controls
      6. The Department of Homeland Security and Defense in Depth
      7. Computer Network Defense and Defense in Depth
    3. Where and Why Defense in Depth Fails
      1. Neglecting Layers: Getting Past the Shell
      2. System Administrators: Trusted Attackers
      3. Attacking the User: Human Factors
      4. Changes in Technology
    4. Designing a Modern CND Strategy
      1. Dynamic Defense
      2. CND and Defense-in-Depth Design
      3. Risk and Threats
      4. Secure Networks
      5. Network Enclaves and Properties
      6. Monitoring
      7. Cryptography
      8. Defense Against Malware
      9. Endpoint Security Design
      10. Physical Security
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Key Concepts and Terms
    7. Chapter 9 Assessment
  18. Chapter 10 Cryptography and Cyberwar
    1. An Introduction to Cryptography
      1. Cryptographic Concepts
      2. Ciphers and Encryption
      3. Key Encryption Terms
      4. Symmetric Ciphers
      5. Enigma: Using and Breaking Wartime Symmetric Encryption
      6. Asymmetric Ciphers
      7. Modern Cryptosystems
      8. Data Encryption Standard
      9. Triple DES
      10. Advanced Encryption Standard
      11. RSA
      12. Hashing and Message Digests
    2. Cryptography in Cyberwar
      1. Computer Network Defense and Cryptographic Systems
      2. Computer Network Attack and Cryptographic Systems
    3. Attacking Cryptography
      1. Brute Force
      2. Acquiring the Keys
      3. Attacking the Algorithm
      4. NSA and RSA
    4. Defeating Attacks on Cryptographic Systems
      1. Defenses
      2. Defense in Depth Using Cryptographic Systems
    5. Weaponizing Cryptography
      1. Defensive Cryptography: Malware Encryption
      2. Offensive Cryptography
      3. Zeus
      4. Cryptolocker and Other Ransomware Malware
    6. The Future of Cryptography in Cyberwar
      1. Attacks
      2. Defenses
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Key Concepts and Terms
    9. Chapter 10 Assessment
  19. Chapter 11 Defending Endpoints
    1. Cyberwarfare Endpoints
    2. Types of Endpoints
      1. Computers
      2. Mobile Devices
      3. Industrial Control Systems
      4. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems
      5. Distributed Control Systems
      6. Programmable Logic Controllers
      7. Military Systems
      8. Drones and Remote Platforms
      9. Weapons Systems
      10. Command and Control
      11. Embedded Systems
    3. Attacking Endpoints
    4. Protecting Endpoints
      1. U.S. Department of Defense Strategy
    5. Zero Trust and Endpoint Security
      1. Physical Security
      2. Policy
      3. Procedures
      4. Configuration Standards
      5. Central Management
      6. Configuration Management
      7. Patches and Updates
      8. Awareness
      9. Information Sharing
      10. Anti-Malware and Antivirus
      11. Network Protection
      12. Encryption
      13. Allow Listing and Deny Listing
      14. Allow listing
      15. Deny or Block listing
      16. Testing
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Key Concepts and Terms
    8. Chapter 11 Assessment
  20. Chapter 12 Defending Networks
    1. Network Defense in Depth
    2. Identify, Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover in the Context of Network Defense
    3. Mission Assurance
      1. Surviving Attacks
      2. Network Operational Procedures
    4. Network Security Design
      1. Classification
    5. Network Defense Technologies
      1. Zero Trust
      2. Protocols
      3. Border Gateway Protocol
      4. Transport Layer Security
      5. IPsec
      6. Network Access Control
      7. Network Firewalls
      8. Routers and Switches
      9. Network Security Boundaries
      10. Virtual LANs
      11. Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems
      12. Security Information and Event Management Systems
      13. Physical Network Protection
      14. Wireless Network Security
      15. Remote Access and Administration
    6. Active Defense
      1. Honeypots, Honeynets, and Darknets
      2. Active Response
    7. Chapter Summary
    8. Key Concepts and Terms
    9. Chapter 12 Assessment
  21. Chapter 13 Defending Data
    1. Data Classification
    2. Data Loss and Prevention
      1. Data Spills
      2. Data Loss Prevention
      3. Encryption and Data Loss
    3. Data Integrity and Availability
      1. Integrity
      2. Availability
      3. Backups
      4. Redundancy
    4. Data Retention and Disposal
      1. Data Life Cycle Management
      2. Data Labeling
      3. Drives and Media Management
    5. Data Loss Response
    6. Chapter Summary
    7. Key Concepts and Terms
    8. Chapter 13 Assessment
  22. Chapter 14 Cyberwarfare and Military Doctrine
    1. Military Doctrine
      1. Principles of War
      2. Forms of Warfare
      3. Levels of Warfare
    2. Cyberattack Strikes the Air Force
    3. Organizing for Cyber Operations
      1. U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM)
      2. U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM)
    4. Five Pillars of Cyberwarfare
    5. Chapter Summary
    6. Key Concepts and Terms
    7. Chapter 14 Assessment
  23. Chapter 15 Pandora’s Box: The Future of Cyberwarfare
    1. The Future of Cyberwar
    2. Blurred Boundaries: Cyberwar and Nonstate Actors
      1. Advanced Persistent Threats
      2. Continuous Warfare
      3. Integrating Cyberwar and Kinetic Warfare
      4. Alliances and Partnerships
    3. International Law and Cyberwarfare
    4. Networks Everywhere: Cyberwar in a Highly Connected World
    5. Cyberwar and Infrastructure
    6. Advanced Tools and Training
    7. The Future of Defensive Cyberwar
    8. Chapter Summary
    9. Key Concepts and Terms
    10. Chapter 15 Assessment
  24. Appendix A: Answer Key
  25. Appendix B: Standard Acronyms
  26. Glossary of Key Terms
  27. References
  28. Index

Product information

  • Title: Cyberwarfare: Information Operations in a Connected World, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Mike Chapple, David Seidl
  • Release date: October 2021
  • Publisher(s): Jones & Bartlett Learning
  • ISBN: 9781284225457