Cybersecurity For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Book description

Explore the latest developments in cybersecurity with this essential guide

Every day it seems we read another story about one company or another being targeted by cybercriminals. It makes some of us wonder: am I safe online? The good news is that we can all be cybersecure—and it doesn’t take a degree in computer science to make it happen!

Cybersecurity For Dummies is the down-to-earth guide you need to secure your own data (and your company’s, too). You’ll get step-by-step guidance on how to implement reasonable security measures, prevent cyber attacks, deal securely with remote work, and what to do in the event that your information is compromised.

The book also offers:

  • Updated directions on how to prevent ransomware attacks and how to handle the situation if you become a target
  • Step-by-step instructions on how to create data backups and implement strong encryption
  • Basic info that every aspiring cybersecurity professional needs to know

Cybersecurity For Dummies is the ideal handbook for anyone considering a career transition into cybersecurity, as well as anyone seeking to secure sensitive information.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Foolish Assumptions
    3. Icons Used in This Book
    4. Beyond the Book
    5. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part 1: Getting Started with Cybersecurity
    1. Chapter 1: What Exactly Is Cybersecurity?
      1. Cybersecurity Means Different Things to Different Folks
      2. Cybersecurity Is a Constantly Moving Target
      3. Looking at the Risks Cybersecurity Mitigates
    2. Chapter 2: Getting to Know Common Cyberattacks
      1. Attacks That Inflict Damage
      2. Is That Really You? Impersonation
      3. Messing around with Other People’s Stuff: Tampering
      4. Captured in Transit: Interception
      5. Taking What Isn’t Theirs: Data Theft
      6. Cyberbombs That Sneak into Your Devices: Malware
      7. Poisoned Web Service Attacks
      8. Network Infrastructure Poisoning
      9. Malvertising
      10. Exploiting Maintenance Difficulties
      11. Advanced Attacks
      12. Some Technical Attack Techniques
    3. Chapter 3: The Bad Guys You Must Defend Against
      1. Bad Guys and Good Guys Are Relative Terms
      2. Bad Guys Up to No Good
      3. Cyberattackers and Their Colored Hats
      4. How Cybercriminals Monetize Their Actions
      5. Not All Dangers Come From Attackers: Dealing with Nonmalicious Threats
      6. Defending against These Attackers
  6. Part 2: Improving Your Own Personal Security
    1. Chapter 4: Evaluating Your Current Cybersecurity Posture
      1. Don’t be Achilles: Identifying Ways You May Be Less than Secure
      2. Identifying Risks
      3. Protecting against Risks
      4. Evaluating Your Current Security Measures
      5. Privacy 101
      6. Banking Online Safely
      7. Safely Using Smart Devices
      8. Cryptocurrency Security 101
    2. Chapter 5: Enhancing Physical Security
      1. Understanding Why Physical Security Matters
      2. Taking Inventory
      3. Locating Your Vulnerable Data
      4. Creating and Executing a Physical Security Plan
      5. Implementing Physical Security
      6. Security for Mobile Devices
      7. Realizing That Insiders Pose the Greatest Risks
    3. Chapter 6: Cybersecurity Considerations When Working from Home
      1. Network Security Concerns
      2. Device Security Concerns
      3. Location Cybersecurity
      4. Video Conferencing Cybersecurity
      5. Social Engineering Issues
      6. Regulatory Issues
  7. Part 3: Protecting Yourself from Yourself
    1. Chapter 7: Securing Your Accounts
      1. Realizing You’re a Target
      2. Securing Your External Accounts
      3. Securing Data Associated with User Accounts
      4. Securing Data with Parties You’ve Interacted With
      5. Securing Data at Parties You Haven’t Interacted With
      6. Securing Data by Not Connecting Hardware with Unknown Pedigrees
    2. Chapter 8: Passwords
      1. Passwords: The Primary Form of Authentication
      2. Avoiding Simplistic Passwords
      3. Password Considerations
      4. Creating Memorable, Strong Passwords
      5. Knowing When to Change Passwords
      6. Changing Passwords after a Breach
      7. Providing Passwords to Humans
      8. Storing Passwords
      9. Transmitting Passwords
      10. Discovering Alternatives to Passwords
    3. Chapter 9: Preventing Social Engineering Attacks
      1. Don’t Trust Technology More than You Would People
      2. Types of Social Engineering Attacks
      3. Six Principles Social Engineers Exploit
      4. Don’t Overshare on Social Media
      5. Leaking Data by Sharing Information as Part of Viral Trends
      6. Identifying Fake Social Media Connections
      7. Using Bogus Information
      8. Using Security Software
      9. General Cyberhygiene Can Help Prevent Social Engineering
  8. Part 4: Cybersecurity for Businesses, Organizations, and Government
    1. Chapter 10: Securing Your Small Business
      1. Making Sure Someone Is In Charge
      2. Watching Out for Employees
      3. Dealing with a Remote Workforce
      4. Considering Cybersecurity Insurance
      5. Complying with Regulations and Compliance
      6. Handling Internet Access
      7. Managing Power Issues
    2. Chapter 11: Cybersecurity and Big Businesses
      1. Utilizing Technological Complexity
      2. Managing Custom Systems
      3. Continuity Planning and Disaster Recovery
      4. Looking at Regulations
      5. Deeper Pockets — and Insured
      6. Considering Employees, Consultants, and Partners
      7. Looking at the Chief Information Security Officer’s Role
  9. Part 5: Handling a Security Incident (This Is a When, Not an If)
    1. Chapter 12: Identifying a Security Breach
      1. Identifying Overt Breaches
      2. Detecting Covert Breaches
    2. Chapter 13: Recovering from a Security Breach
      1. An Ounce of Prevention Is Worth Many Tons of Response
      2. Stay Calm and Act Now with Wisdom
      3. Bring in a Pro
      4. Recovering from a Breach without a Pro’s Help
      5. Reinstall Damaged Software
      6. Dealing with Stolen Information
      7. Recovering When Your Data Is Compromised at a Third Party
  10. Part 6: Backing Up and Recovery
    1. Chapter 14: Backing Up
      1. Backing Up Is a Must
      2. Backing Up Data from Apps and Online Accounts
      3. Backing Up Data on Smartphones
      4. Conducting Cryptocurrency Backups
      5. Backing Up Passwords
      6. Looking at the Different Types of Backups
      7. Figuring Out How Often You Should Backup
      8. Exploring Backup Tools
      9. Creating a Boot Disk
      10. Knowing Where to Back Up
      11. Knowing Where Not to Store Backups
      12. Encrypting Backups
      13. Testing Backups
      14. Disposing of Backups
    2. Chapter 15: Resetting Your Device
      1. Exploring Two Types of Resets
      2. Rebuilding Your Device after a Hard Reset
    3. Chapter 16: Restoring from Backups
      1. You Will Need to Restore
      2. Wait! Do Not Restore Yet!
      3. Restoring Data to Apps
      4. Restoring from Full Backups of Systems
      5. Restoring from Incremental Backups
      6. Dealing with Deletions
      7. Excluding Files and Folders
      8. Understanding Archives
      9. Restoring Using Backup Tools
      10. Returning Backups to Their Proper Locations
      11. Restoring to Non-Original Locations
      12. Never Leave Your Backups Connected
      13. Restoring from Encrypted Backups
      14. Testing Backups
      15. Restoring Cryptocurrency
      16. Booting from a Boot Disk
  11. Part 7: Looking toward the Future
    1. Chapter 17: Pursuing a Cybersecurity Career
      1. Professional Roles in Cybersecurity
      2. Exploring Career Paths
      3. Starting Out in Information Security
      4. Exploring Popular Certifications
      5. Overcoming a Criminal Record
      6. Overcoming Bad Credit
      7. Looking at Other Professions with a Cybersecurity Focus
    2. Chapter 18: Emerging Technologies Bring New Threats
      1. Relying on the Internet of Things
      2. Using Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain
      3. Cloud-Based Applications and Data
      4. Optimizing Artificial Intelligence
      5. Where Was This Laptop Really Made? Supply Chain Risks
      6. Nothing Is Trustworthy: Zero Trust
      7. Genius Computers Are Coming: Quantum Supremacy
      8. Experiencing Virtual Reality
      9. Transforming Experiences with Augmented Reality
  12. Part 8: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 19: Ten Ways to Improve Your Cybersecurity without Spending a Fortune
      1. Understand That You Are a Target
      2. Use Security Software
      3. Encrypt Sensitive Information
      4. Back Up Often
      5. Do Not Share Login Credentials
      6. Use Proper Authentication
      7. Use Social Media Wisely
      8. Segregate Internet Access
      9. Use Public Wi-Fi Safely (Or Better Yet, Don’t Use It!)
      10. Hire a Pro
    2. Chapter 20: Ten (or So) Lessons from Major Cybersecurity Breaches
      1. Marriott
      2. Target
      3. Sony Pictures
      4. U.S. Office of Personnel Management
      5. Anthem
      6. Colonial Pipeline and JBS SA
    3. Chapter 21: Ten Ways to Safely Use Public Wi-Fi
      1. Use Your Cellphone as a Mobile Hotspot
      2. Turn Off Wi-Fi Connectivity When You’re Not Using Wi-Fi
      3. Don’t Perform Sensitive Tasks over Public Wi-Fi
      4. Don’t Reset Passwords When Using Public Wi-Fi
      5. Use a VPN Service
      6. Use Tor
      7. Use Encryption
      8. Turn Off Sharing
      9. Have Information Security Software on Any Devices Connected to Public Wi-Fi Networks
      10. Understand the Difference between True Public Wi-Fi and Shared Wi-Fi
  13. Index
  14. About the Author
  15. Advertisement Page
  16. Connect with Dummies
  17. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Cybersecurity For Dummies, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): Joseph Steinberg
  • Release date: April 2022
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781119867180