
The idea for this book coincided with a conference on Cyber Security Policy (SIT 2010). The conference had sessions ranging from security technology investment decisions by venture capitalists to the implications of cyber security policy on personal privacy. Though all speakers were experts in their field and were asked to address cyber security policy topics, many instead focused on strategy or technology issues. Even where it was clear that policy was being discussed, policies were often not articulated clearly enough for panelists and audience members to participate in informed debate. This observation itself became the buzz at the conference and made it a truly memorable experience for many who attended.

The experience made it clear that cyber security policy means different things to different people, even those who work in cyber security. This conclusion led us to the format of this book. That is, the book is designed to lead the reader through concepts that are individually easy to assimilate, and collectively provide a solid understanding of the field of cyber security and the place of policy within it.

We also knew that there is no one person experienced enough in cyber security to have been able to single-handedly write this book. The team was chosen to ensure that all the major fields of experience in cyber security were covered. Each contributed to chapters and sections that were specific to their experience. However, all chapters were scrutinized by all authors ...

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