
Chapter 1

1.  Burkitt and Bruno (2010).

2.  Harvard Business Review (n.d.).

3.  Baldoni (2010).

4.  Taylor (2010, 1).

5.  Engler (2013).

6.  Green (2012).

7.  Glaser (1941, 52).

8.  LeBlanc (1998, 2).

9.  Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (n.d.).

10.  Doyle (2010).

11.  Bennett (2012, 7).

12.  Sharp (2010, 171–76).

13.  deLaplante (2014).

Chapter 2

1.  DeLaplante (2016).

2.  Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (n.d.).

3.  Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (n.d.).

4.  One factor that helps you decide whether an argument is deductive or inductive is the intention of the person making the argument—does she intend her argument to be deductive, that is, iron-clad plausible if the premises are iron-clad true/plausible; or inductive, where ...

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