Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers: Producing Professional Video with Amateur Equipment

Book description

Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers

This practical resource will help teachers and trainers produce professional quality training videos, even while using less than professional quality equipment and software. Author Timothy Spannaus shows how to use professional techniques with consumer-grade equipment to produce videos that work and tell the intended story, minimizing defects that get in the way of improving learning and performance. The end result is a video that can be used in classroom or labs, distributed on the web, packaged for use in learning management systems, or shared on social media sites.

Praise for Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers

"This is a practical, immediately usable resource, filled with concrete and creative ideas and tips. For those of us wanting to know how to plant our feet and not stumble when venturing into designing and making great videos, it's a godsend." —Len Scrogan, digital learning architect, Future-Talk Blog

"The perfect roadmap for instructional professionals new to video production. Includes evidence-based guidelines on the when, why, and how of video for training purposes."—Ruth Clark, president, Clark Training and Consulting

"In my 20-plus years working in the television, training, and corporate communication industry, Tim's book is the first to provide a practical and budget-conscious approach to video production for the learning professional. Comprehensive in its scope, the book's realistic examples, combined with a systematic roadmap, arms you with the tools to kickstart your videos with a quality and efficiency that we all dream about in the learning profession."—David Shulkin, Video Operations and Instructional Technology Catalyst, Bloomfield Hills Schools Digital Media Services

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. About This Book
    1. Why is this topic important?
    2. What can you achieve with this book?
    3. How is this book organized?
  3. About Pfeiffer
  4. Title Page
  5. Copyright
  6. Dedication
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction
  9. Section I: Planning and Managing Video Projects
    1. Chapter 1: Why Video? Why Now?
      1. Demonstration of Procedures
      2. Presentation by an Expert
      3. Introduction to a Case Study
      4. Excerpt of a Dramatic Production
      5. Show a Process
      6. Virtual Tours
      7. Why Video?
      8. Traps for the Unwary
    2. Chapter 2: One Time Through the Process—A 30,000-Foot View
      1. Treatment
      2. Media Specification
      3. Prototypes
      4. Script Site
      5. Concurrent Work
      6. Edit
      7. Site Construction—HTML Pages
      8. Final Assembly and Test
      9. Launch and Distribution
    3. Chapter 3: Planning
      1. Goals and Objectives
      2. ID Considerations—First Principles, Solving Problems
      3. Integrating Video with Other Media
      4. Story and Character
    4. Chapter 4: Writing the Script
      1. Organization
      2. Treatment
      3. Format
      4. Writing
      5. Style Guide
      6. Integration with Other Media
      7. Script Breakdown
    5. Chapter 5: Other Ways to Produce Video
      1. Webcams
      2. Screen Recorders
      3. After Capture, You Will Want to Edit
      4. Adobe Flash Animations
      5. Single Frame Animations
    6. Chapter 6: Managing Video Projects
      1. Complexity
      2. Defining the Project
      3. Planning
      4. Tasks/Activities
      5. Roles
      6. Resources
      7. Adjusting the Schedule
      8. Executing
      9. Monitoring
      10. Reporting and Controlling
      11. Delivering and Closing
    7. Chapter 7: Your Assignment 1
  10. Section II: Essential Equipment
    1. Chapter 8: Camcorders
      1. Video Formats
      2. Lens
      3. Sensors
      4. Resolution and Size
      5. Storage Media
      6. Necessary Features
    2. Chapter 9: Using the Camcorder
      1. Composition
      2. Common Shots
      3. Camera Movement
      4. Zooms
    3. Chapter 10: Lights and Lighting
      1. Color and Intensity
      2. Basic Lighting Equipment
      3. Basic Lighting Setups
      4. Lighting Problems
    4. Chapter 11: Mics and Sound
      1. The Importance of Sound
      2. Kinds of Mics
      3. Mic Setups and Use
      4. Voice-Over vs. Sync Sound
    5. Chapter 12: Your Assignment 2 Edit in Camera
  11. Section III: Production
    1. Chapter 13: Selecting and Surveying Locations
      1. Back to the Script
      2. Location Survey
      3. Shots and Camera Angles
      4. Lighting and Electrical Power
      5. Specific Locations: Offices
      6. Specific Locations: Homes
      7. Specific Locations: Factories, Shops, Warehouses, and Labs
      8. Exteriors
      9. Commercial and Retail Locations
      10. Location Releases
      11. Green Screen—Any Location, Any Time
    2. Chapter 14: Planning the Shoot
      1. Props
      2. People
      3. Equipment
      4. Schedules
    3. Chapter 15: The Day of the Shoot
      1. Set Up
      2. Blocking and Walkthrough
      3. Camera Rehearsal
      4. The Actual Shoot
      5. Ambient Sound
      6. Tear Down
    4. Chapter 16: Your Assignment 3 Plan and Shoot
  12. Section IV: Post-Production
    1. Chapter 17: Video Editing
      1. Essential Software
      2. A Simple Event Shoot
      3. A Planned Instructional Video
      4. Cut-Ins and Cut-Aways
      5. Intercutting
      6. Green Screen
    2. Chapter 18: Audio Editing
      1. Cleaning Up Camcorder Sound
      2. Voice-Over Narration
      3. Sound Effects
      4. Music
      5. Wild Sound
    3. Chapter 19: Effects
      1. Transitions
      2. Titles
    4. Chapter 20: Your Assignment 4
  13. Section V: Distribution and Use
    1. Chapter 21: Video on Optical Media
      1. CD, DVD, Blu-ray
      2. Video on CD
      3. DVDs
      4. Blu-ray
      5. Making the Disc
    2. Chapter 22: Video on the Web
      1. Adobe Flash
      2. MPEG and MPEG-4
      3. HTML5
      4. Development: Finer Points
      5. Video Options
    3. Chapter 23: Using Video in Your Teaching and Training
      1. Stand-Alone Video
      2. Problem-Centered
      3. Prior Knowledge
      4. Demonstration
      5. Practice and Feedback
      6. Integration
      7. Video Story by an Expert
      8. Documentation
      9. Video in PowerPoint or Similar Products
  14. References
    1. Sources on Video Production
  15. About the Author
  16. Index

Product information

  • Title: Creating Video for Teachers and Trainers: Producing Professional Video with Amateur Equipment
  • Author(s): Tim Spannaus
  • Release date: May 2012
  • Publisher(s): Pfeiffer
  • ISBN: 9781118236758