Book description
Think you need an army of skilled programmers to build a website? Think again. With nothing more than an ordinary PC, some raw ambition, and this book, you’ll learn how to create and maintain a professional-looking, visitor-friendly site. This Missing Manual gives you all the tools, techniques, and expert advice you need.
- Plan your site. Create web pages by learning the basics of HTML and HTML5.
- Control page design with CSS. Format text, images, links, tables, and other elements.
- Attract visitors. Ensure that people can find your site through popular search engines.
- Build a community. Add forums, fresh content, and a feedback form to encourage repeat visits.
- Get smart. Use free tools to identify your site’s strengths and weaknesses.
- Create your own blog. Post your musings with a free blog-hosting service.
- Bring in cash. Host Google ads, sell Amazon’s wares, or push your own products.
- Add pizzazz. Include audio, video, interactive menus, and more.
Publisher resources
Table of contents
Creating a Website: The Missing Manual, Third Edition
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
- A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
- The Missing Credits
- Introduction
- 1. Preparing for the Web
- 2. Creating Your First Page
- 3. Putting Your Page on the Web
- 4. Power Tools
- 5. Text Elements
- 6. Style Sheets
- 7. Adding Graphics
- 8. Linking Pages
- 9. Page Layout
- 10. Multipart Pages
- 11. Introducing Your Site to the World
- 12. Website Promotion
- 13. Blogs
- 14. Making Money with Your Site
- 15. JavaScript: Adding Interactivity
- 16. Fancy Buttons and Menus
- 17. Audio and Video
A. HTML Quick Reference
HTML Elements
- <a> (Anchor Element)
- <address>
- <area> (Image Map)
- <b> (Bold Text)
- <base> (Base URL)
- <blockquote> (Block Quotation)
- <body> (Document Body)
- <br> (Line Break)
- <button> (Button)
- <caption> (Table Caption)
- <cite> (Citation)
- <code>
- <dd> (Dictionary Description)
- <del> (Deleted Text)
- <dfn> (Defined Term)
- <div> (Generic Block Container)
- <dl> (Dictionary List)
- <dt> (Dictionary Term)
- <em> (Emphasis)
- <embed> (Embedded Object)
- <form> (Interactive Form)
- <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> (Headings)
- <head> (Document Head)
- <hr> (Horizontal Rule)
- <html> (Document)
- <i> (Italic Text)
- <iframe> (Inline Frame)
- <img> (Image)
- <input> (Input Control)
- <ins> (Inserted Text)
- <li> (List Item)
- <link> (Document Relationship)
- <map> (Image Map)
- <meta> (Metadata)
- <noscript> (Alternate Script Content)
- <object> (Embedded Object)
- <ol> (Ordered List)
- <option> (Menu Option)
- <p> (Paragraph)
- <param> (Object Parameter)
- <pre> (Preformatted Text)
- <q> (Short Quotation)
- <samp> (Sample Output)
- <script> (Client-Side Script)
- <select> (Selectable List)
- <small> (Small Print)
- <span> (Generic Inline Container)
- <strong> (Strong Importance)
- <style> (Internal Style Sheet)
- <sub> (Subscript)
- <sup> (Superscript)
- <table> (Table)
- <td> (Table Data Cell)
- <textarea> (Multiline Text Input)
- <th> (Table Header Cell)
- <title> (Document Title)
- <tr> (Table Row)
- <ul> (Unordered List)
- HTML5 Semantic Elements
- HTML Character Entities
HTML Elements
- B. Useful Websites
- Index
- About the Author
- Colophon
- SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
Product information
- Title: Creating a Website: The Missing Manual, 3rd Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: May 2011
- Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
- ISBN: 9781449308643
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