Chapter 2. A Brief Primer on Data-Driven Organizations and DataOps

If you’re reading this report, you probably already agree that data is important to your business. You might already have a data-driven organization and are simply curious about how companies in the media and entertainment are coping with big data.

Or, you could be starting your data-driven journey. Either way, this report will be highly informative and useful to you.

Let’s first define what a data-driven organization is:

A data-driven organization is one that understands the importance of data. It has an organizational culture that requires all business decisions to be backed up by data.

Note the word all. In a data-driven organization, no one comes to a meeting armed only with intuition. The person with the superior title or largest salary doesn’t win the discussion. Facts do. Numbers. Quantitative analyses. Stuff backed up by data.

Why become a data-driven company? Because it pays off. The MIT Center for Digital Business asked 330 companies about their data analytics and business decision-making processes. It found that the more companies characterized themselves as data driven, the better they performed on objective measures of financial and operational success.

But how do you become a data-driven company? This is something that we address in our book Creating a Data-Driven Enterprise with DataOps. As we discuss in that book, despite the benefits of becoming a data-driven culture, actually getting there can ...

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