Create Reminder App in Xcode: Create a Simple Reminder App for iOS

Video description

In the video you will learn how to build a simple reminder app for iOS. The user will be able to input some text, set a time and the app will show this text as a notification at the specified time.

This app is very useful for people to schedule reminders and notes at specific time. The developers will be able to build that kind of app and will learn how to work with notifications which is very important skill for an iOS developer.

What You'll Learn

  • How to create the design of the app
  • How to connect the design with the Swift code
  • How to write logic for background process 
  • How to write logic for notification
  • How to write logic for the app

Who This Video Is For

People with more advanced skills in Xcode and Swift are targeted but the video will be useful for total begin-ners as well.


Product information

  • Title: Create Reminder App in Xcode: Create a Simple Reminder App for iOS
  • Author(s): Tihomir Radev
  • Release date: July 2023
  • Publisher(s): Apress
  • ISBN: 9781484296837